H1 Receptor Antagonists (Classical Antihistamines)
■■ Highly
sedating—diphenhydramine, dimenhydrinate,doxylamine, embramine,
promethazine and hydroxyzine.
■■ Moderately
sedating—pheniramine, antazoline, trimepra-zine, meclizine and buclizine.
■■ Mildly
sedating—chlorpheniramine, methdilazine,mepyramine, dimethindene,
triprolidine, mebhydroline, cyclizine and clemastine.
■■ Non-sedating—terfenadine,
astemizole, cetirizine andloratidine.
■■ Anti-vertiginous—cinnarizine.
related groups of drugs comprising the following, will also be discussed in
this section:
■■ 5-Hydroxytryptamine
Antagonists— cyproheptadine,*methysergide, pizotifen, ketanserin, and
■■ Decongestants—pseudoephedrine,
ephedrine, and phenyl-propanolamine.
Treatment of allergic reactions and
allergic disorders.
Symptomatic relief of common cold.
Treatment of vertigo, travel
Sleeping aid.
■■ Drowsiness,
tachycardia, dilated pupils, decreased bowel sounds, and urinary retention are
the most common adverse effects following therapeutic administration.
■■ Other adverse
effects may include nausea and vomiting, dystonic reactions, and
■■ Pneumonitis, chest
tightness, and wheezing have also been reported.
■■ Anticholinergic
effects such as mydriasis visual distur-bances, diplopia, nasal dryness and
stuffiness, and mouth and throat dryness, can occur with overdose or
therapeutic use.
are generally well-absorbed after ingestion. Following oral administration,
effects start within 15 to 30 minutes and are fully developed within one hour.
Oral bioavail-ability is incomplete, ranging from 25 to 50%. Antihistamines are
widely distributed throughout the body including the CNS, and are metabolised
in the liver. Unchanged drug and metabo-lites are excreted in the urine.
The toxicity of antihistamines is related to their
anticho-linergic (antimuscarinic) activity with the exception of toxic exposure
to loratadine, terfenadine, and astemizole. The action of acetylcholine at
muscarinic receptors is blocked.
Most patients will present with CNS depression and
anticholinergic manifestations (except those who have ingested cetirizine,
loratidine, terfenadine, or astem-izole). Main symptoms include somnolence,
lethargy, mydriasis, blurred vision, convulsions, hallucinations,
extra-pyramidal movement disorders and psychosis.
Nystagmus and catatonic stupor have been described in
relation to diphenhydramine overdose.
Other features include sinus tachycardia with hypo- or
hypertension, dryness of skin and mucous membranes, cutaneous flushing,
anhydrosis, hyperthermia, urinary retention, vomiting and
Skin is usually flushed, warm and dry after overdose.
Hypertension is more commonly reported than hypoten-sion.
Tachycardia is also very common.
Rhabdomyolysis can occur. Acute renal failure has been
reported in patients who developed rhabdomyolysis after overdose.
Terfenadine and astemizole are known to cause ventric-ular
dysrhythmias and cardiac conduction defects. Several cases of prolonged QTc and
QRS intervals and non-specific ST and T-wave changes were reported following
antihistamine overdoses.
Children are more likely to suffer from CNS stimula-tion,
convulsions, and ARDS. Hallucinations, anxiety, restlessness, and agitation
have been reported following overdoses of carbinoxamine, cetirizine,
dexchlorphenira-mine, diphenhydramine, doxylamine, pheniramine, and
Cetirizine, loratidine, terfenadine, and astemizole cause
much less CNS depression and anticholinergic effects.
less than four times the maximum daily dose has been ingested by an
asymptomatic patient, he may be observed at home. If symptoms are present
(other than mild somnolence), or if greater than four times the maximum daily
dose has been ingested, the patient should be referred to a health care
facility for evaluation.
Monitor vital signs, and watch for
development of seizures, hyperthermia, and dysrhythmias.
Stomach wash, activated charcoal.
Whole bowel irrigation with polyethylene
glycol elec-trolyte lavage solution should be considered in patients with
extremely large ingestions and those involving sustained release preparations.
However, cautious assessment of bowel motility is recommended prior to and
during whole bowel irrigation. Antihistamine overdose is frequently complicated
by decreased bowel sounds, reduced gastrointestinal motility, or intestinal
Physostigmine for anticholinergic
Dose: 2 mg (adults); 0.5 mg
(children), by slow IV push. It can be repeated at 5–10 minute intervals if
there is no significant improvement.** Reversal within minutes of coma,
arrhythmias, hallucina-tions, and other findings can be expected if the
diagnosis is correct, and the patient has not suffered anoxia or other insult,
or ingested a combination preparation.
Physostigmine should not be used in patients with suspected tricyclic
antidepressant overdose, or an ECG suggestive of tricyclic antidepressant
overdose (QRS widening, R wave in aVR). It can precipitate seizures and
intractable cardiac arrest.
Diazepam IV for agitation/psychosis,
or convulsions. If seizures persist or recur administer phenobarbitone. Monitor
for respiratory depression, hypotension, arrhyth- mias, and the need for
endotracheal intubation.
Acute dystonic reactions to
antihistamines may be treated with oral or intravenous diazepam.
Cooling measures for hyperthermia.
Sponge patient with tepid water, and use fans to maximise evaporative heat
loss. Avoid phenothiazines.
Sinus tachyarrhythmias rarely
require treatment. In agitated patients, sedation with benzodiazepines will
generally control tachycardia. If severe tachycardia results in haemodynamic
compromise or ischaemia, beta blocking agents may be used as a temporising
measure. A short- acting cardioselective agent such as esmolol is preferred.
Use with caution in patients with asthma or COPD. For mild/moderate
asymptomatic hypertension, phar- bing macologic intervention is generally not
necessary. Seda- tive agents such as benzodiazepines may be helpful in treating
hypertension and tachycardia in agitated patients especially if a
sympathomimetic agent is involved in the poisoning. For hypertensive
emergencies (severe hypertension with evidence of end organ injury (CNS,
cardiac, renal), or emergent need to lower mean arterial pressure 20 to 25%
within one hour), nitroprusside is preferred. Nitroglycerine and phentolamine
are possible alternatives.
Cardiotoxicity necessitates careful
cardiac monitoring. Dysrhythmias can be corrected with IV magnesium sulfate (2
to 6 gm in adults ; 25 to 50 mg/kg in children), or lignocaine. Cardioversion
can be tried.
Apart from the fact that these
agents are not uncommonly involved in accidental or deliberate overdose,
several investigators have evaluated performance while under the influence of
therapeutic doses of antihistamines and found that these agents decreased
skills. They are therefore not recommended for individuals who drive motor
vehicles or operate machinery.
Antihistamine (especially cyclizine)
abuse has been reported among teenagers in the West. Hallucinations, confusion/
disorientation, tachycardia, and systolic hypertension appeared to be the most
commonly occurring effects.
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