Psychological Mechanisms
Psychological models, which emphasize the cognitive–behavioral processes
involved in the onset and maintenance of GAD, have emerged in recent years.
Individuals’ thoughts, cognitive style and behaviors are thought to instigate
and maintain episodes of anxiety. In support of cognitive theories of GAD,
anxious indi-viduals with GAD are more likely to perceive ambiguous
infor-mation as threatening and/or negative, and to perceive that they are more
likely than others to experience threatening situations. Patients with GAD also
pay more attention to the detection of po-tentially threatening information and
incorporate this informa-tion into highly elaborate cognitive schemas, thus
lowering their threshold for activation of an anxiety response. The threatening
information then elicits anxious affect and the individual begins to worry in
an attempt further to define the problem.
Patients with GAD are likely to be characterized by a per-ception of
lack of control over threatening. In addition, these pa-tients are likely to
believe that they have little control over their emotions, especially their
worrying, leading to further distress. It has been suggested that the
interaction between perceived uncon-trollability and a cognitive focus on
negative/threatening stimuli may amplify the general worry to pathological.
Freud’s concept of signal anxiety followed the development of Freud’s
structural model of the mind, which proposes three inter-acting psychological
functions: ego (which mediates between the demands of primitive drives, the
social and parental prohibitions, and reality), superego (representing the
internalized parental and social prohibitions) and id (representing the
primitive drives and urges). Freud believed that anxiety serves as a signal to
the ego of a threat (in the form of an unconscious drive or wish arising from
the id), which, if enacted, may be dangerous to the ego, signaling the
potential punishment by the superego or the external world. According to this
model, the ego can activate defense mecha-nisms, such as repression, and
prevent the actualization of the forbidden urge either by preventing the
expression of the wish or by avoiding the life situations in which the wish
might be poten-tially expressed. Ideally, repression into the unconscious
(i.e., out of subject’s awareness) should successfully contain the drives.
However, if the defenses fail, one may experience symptomatic anxiety and other
distressing psychological symptoms. Implicit in this model is the concept that
the individuals themselves are not consciously aware of these processes.
Therefore, the promo-tion of subjects’ insight into unconscious conflicts and
the uncov-ering of the unconscious origins of anxiety through interpreta-tion
and other techniques is the primary goal (and method) of the psychoanalytic
treatment approach.
Sullivan developed a theory of anxiety based on the im-portance of
interpersonal relationships. He viewed affects (such as anxiety) as forms of
interpersonal communication. According to this model, anxiety communicates the
sense of insecurity in interpersonal relationships. For example, a mother who
is inse-cure in her role may communicate her insecurity to the infant when she
is anxious in her child’s presence. The child in turn identifies her anxiety
and expresses anxious affect himself. An-other approach to the understanding of
the origins of anxiety was offered by object relations theorists such as Klein
and Bowlby. They believed that anxiety reflects a fear of the loss of the
nurtur-ing object or fear of being hurt by the antagonistic object.
Finally, self-psychology theorists, such as Kohut, believed that the
individual strives to achieve and maintain an integrated, cohesive sense of
self. Beginning in early age, the individual devel-ops this sense of self
through idealization of important others, such as important caregivers (called
self-objects), and through a proc-ess of positive interaction with caregivers
(called mirroring). He believed that inadequate provision of these experiences
can lead to anxiety (fear of disintegration) and the loss of the cohesive self.
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