important functions:
Fats are a concentrated source of energy. one gram of fat gives
9 kilocalories of energy. Fat is stored in the body in the adipose tissue and
provides energy to the body when required.
Fats are the constituents of cell membrane structure and
regulate the membrane permeability.
Subcutaneous fat acts as an insulator and helps in retaining
body heat.
They are essential for the digestion, absorption and utilization
of fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, D, E and K.
Fats are important as cellular metabolic regulators (Steroid
hormones and prostaglandin).
Fats haveasparing action onvitaminB1 (i.e) if fat
consumption is adequate, not much vitamin B1 is needed.
Fats improve the palatability of the diet and give satiety
value.(ie.)feeling of fullness in the stomach.
The calories in fat spare proteins from being oxidized for
Cholesterol is needed for synthesis of sex and adrenal hormones
(steroid hormones).
Substituting a fat high in PUFA or MUFA for a fat high in
saturated fatty acids can decrease the level of blood cholesterol levels and
hence reduce risk of heart disease.
Maintenance of the functioning and integrity of cellular and
sub-cellular membrane.
Regulation of cholesterol metabolism by transporting it between
the blood and body tissues.
Acts as precursors of an important group of hormone like
compounds- prostaglandins which aid in regulating vascular function and help
relieving pain and inflammation.
Delays blood clotting time.
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