Home | First Aid - Drowning, Burns and scalds

Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Class Nursing Health Care Hospital Hygiene Higher secondary school College Notes

First Aid - Drowning, Burns and scalds

Burns are caused by dry heat such as fire, explosion of pressure stoves, petrol burns, hot metals and electrocution. Corrosive chemicals such as strong acid from batteries of cars also cause burns.

Burns and scalds


Burns are caused by dry heat such as fire, explosion of pressure stoves, petrol burns, hot metals and electrocution. Corrosive chemicals such as strong acid from batteries of cars also cause burns.

Scalds produce the same type of injury as burns and are caused by wet heat such as boiling water, steam, hot oil or ghee and tar.

The treatment of burns and scalds will depend on whether the skin is intact or only partially destroyed or whether it is completely destroyed.



Drowning occurs when the person has inhaled the water into the lungs. The lungs become full of water instead of air. If a person who has drowned is brought, the nurse should proceed the first aid as follows.

1)      Turn the patient face down with the head turned to one side and the arms stretched out.          If a slope exists, the head must be placed downwards.

2)      Place your  hand around the patient' s abdomen and raise the body to encourage the water to run out of the lungs. 

          Clear the mouth of weeds or any other material obstructing air entity, and of false teeth if any.

          Loosen the clothing around the neck and waist.


          Apply artificial respiration using the method mentioned in CPR.

            Do not stop until the breathing has been re-established for at least a quarter of an hour.

After recovery do not let the patient sit up. Transfer him/her lying on a stretcher to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.

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11th 12th std standard Class Nursing Health Care Hospital Hygiene Higher secondary school College Notes : First Aid - Drowning, Burns and scalds |

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