Factors influencing Selection Process
Factors influencing employee selection process are
listed below
1. Nature of Post
The process of selection of employee varies
according to type of personnel to be recruited. For instance, selection process
of probationary officer of a bank differs from that of selection of officer for
Indian Police Service.
2. Number of Candidates
Selection process depends on the response of
candidates to the advertisement inviting applications for the post. For
instance, for clerical and other physical jobs, more candidate tend to apply.
Hence short listing needs to be done. The selection process would be longer if
the number of applicants is lesser and consequently selection process becomes
3. Selection Policy
The selection policy and selection process are
inter-related. For example some organizations put in place tougher selection
process involving several steps to identify the best fit while certain other
organizations just conduct straight interview and thus cutting short the
selection procedure.
4. Cost factor / Budge
The longer selection process entails higher cost.
Hence, organizations which cannot afford to spend a larger resource tend to
shorten selection process while organizations with sound financial condition
can afford to adopt lengthier selection process.
5. Level of Educational Qualification and Experience and
The process of selection depends on the experience
and educational qualification, and exposure required for the post. For example
for selection of finance officer, treasurer, legal adviser, designer,
architecture, CEOs, scientist, chairman etc. selection process is shorter as
only few candidates compete with higher educational qualification, and
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