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Chapter: Medicine and surgery: Dermatology and soft tissues

Epidermoid cysts - Skin and soft tissue lumps

An epidermoid cyst is an epitheliumlined cavity within the dermis filled with oily or fatty semisolid material.

Epidermoid cysts




An epidermoid cyst is an epitheliumlined cavity within the dermis filled with oily or fatty semisolid material.




Epidermoid cysts are common in the hair-bearing areas and are thought to arise from the blockage of a hair follicle. The commonest scalp cysts are pilar cysts, which may be inherited.


Clinical features


Patients present with a lump in the skin, so the skin cannot be moved over it. A characteristic surface punctum is often visible. If there is a superimposed infection the lump may become red, hot and tender.




Uninfected cysts are excised under local anaesthesia, if required using an elliptical incision.


Infected cysts are first incised and drained. Excision is performed if still necessary once the infection has been treated.

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Medicine and surgery: Dermatology and soft tissues : Epidermoid cysts - Skin and soft tissue lumps |

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