Effects of Prostaglandins &
prostaglandins and thromboxanes have major effects on smooth muscle in the
vasculature, airways, and gastrointestinal and reproductive tracts. Contraction
of smooth muscle is medi-ated by the release of calcium, while relaxing effects
are mediated by the generation of cAMP. Many of the eicosanoids’ contractile effects
on smooth muscle can be inhibited by lowering extracel-lular calcium or by
using calcium channel-blocking drugs. Other important targets include platelets
and monocytes, kidneys, the central nervous system, autonomic presynaptic nerve
terminals, sensory nerve endings, endocrine organs, adipose tissue, and the eye
(the effects on the eye may involve smooth muscle).
Vascular—TXA2is a
potent vasoconstrictor. It is also asmooth muscle cell mitogen and is the only
eicosanoid that has convincingly been shown to have this effect. The mitogenic
is potentiated by exposure of smooth muscle cells to
testosterone, which up-regulates smooth muscle cell TP expression. PGF2α is also a
vasoconstrictor but is not a smooth muscle mitogen. Another vasoconstrictor is
the isoprostane 8-iso-PGF2α, also known as iPF2αIII, which may act via
the TP receptor.
Vasodilator prostaglandins, especially PGI2 and PGE2,
promote vasodilation by increasing cAMP and decreasing smooth muscle
intracellular calcium, primarily via the IP and EP4 receptors.
Vascular PGI2 is synthesized by both smooth muscle and endothe-lial
cells, with the COX-2 isoform in the latter cell type being the major contributor.
In the microcirculation, PGE2 is a vasodilator produced by
endothelial cells. PGI2 inhibits proliferation of smooth muscle
cells, an action that may be particularly relevant in pulmonary hypertension.
PGD2 may also function as a vasodila-tor—in particular as a dominant
mediator of flushing induced by the lipid-lowering drug niacin—although the
role of this pros-tanoid in the cardiovascular system remains under
Gastrointestinal tract—Most of
the prostaglandins andthromboxanes activate gastrointestinal
smooth muscle. Longi-tudinal muscle is contracted by PGE2 (via EP3)
and PGF2α (via FP), whereas circular muscle is
contracted strongly by PGF2α and weakly by PGI2, and is relaxed
by PGE2 (via EP 4). Administration of either PGE2
or PGF2α results in colicky cramps (see Clinical
Pharmacology of Eicosanoids, below). The leukotrienes also have powerful
contractile effects.
Airways—Respiratory smooth
muscle is relaxed by PGE2andPGI2 and contracted by PGD2,
TXA2, and PGF2α. Studies of DP1 and DP2
receptor knockout mice suggest an important role of this prostanoid in asthma,
although the DP2 receptor appears more relevant to allergic airway
diseases. The cysteinyl leukotrienes arealso bronchoconstrictors. They act
principally on smooth muscle in peripheral airways and are a thousand times
more potent than histamine, both in vitro and in vivo. They also stimulate
bronchial mucus secretion and cause mucosal edema. Bronchospasm occurs in about
10% of people taking NSAIDs, possibly because of a shift in arachidonate
metabolism from COX metabolism to leu-kotriene formation.
Reproductive—The actions of
prostaglandins on reproduc-tive smooth muscle are discussed below under section
D, Reproductive Organs.
aggregation is markedly affected by eicosanoids. Low con-centrations of PGE2
enhance (via EP3), whereas higher concentra-tions inhibit (via IP),
platelet aggregation. Both PGD2 and PGI2 inhibit
aggregation via, respectively, DP1- and IP-dependent eleva-tion in
cAMP generation. Unlike their human counterparts, mouse platelets do not
express DP 1. TXA2 is the major product of COX-1, the
only COX isoform expressed in mature platelets. Itself a platelet aggregator,
TXA2 amplifies the effects of other, more potent, platelet agonists
such as thrombin. The TP-Gq sig-naling pathway elevates
intracellular Ca2+ and activates protein kinase C, facilitating
platelet aggregation and TXA2 biosynthesis. Activation of G12/G13
induces Rho/Rho-kinase–dependent regu-lation of myosin light chain
phosphorylation leading to platelet shape change. Mutations in the human TP
have been associated with mild bleeding disorders. The platelet actions of TXA2
are restrained in vivo by PGI2, which inhibits platelet aggregation
by all recognized agonists. Platelet COX-1-derived TXA2
biosynthe-sis is increased during platelet activation and aggregation and is irreversibly
inhibited by chronic administration of aspirin at low doses. Urinary
metabolites of TXA2 increase in clinical syndromes of platelet
activation such as myocardial infarction and stroke. Macrophage COX-2 appears
to contribute roughly 10% of the increment in TXA2 biosynthesis
observed in smokers, while the rest is derived from platelet COX-1. A variable
contribution, pre-sumably from macrophage COX-2, may be insensitive to the
effects of low-dose aspirin. In a single trial comparing low- and high-dose
aspirin, no increase in benefit was associated with increased dose; in fact,
this study, as well as indirect comparisons across placebo-controlled trials,
suggests an inverse dose-response relationship, perhaps reflecting increasing
inhibition of PGI2 syn-thesis at higher doses of aspirin.
the medulla and the cortex of the kidney synthesize prostaglan-dins, the
medulla substantially more than the cortex. COX-1 is expressed mainly in
cortical and medullary collecting ducts and mesangial cells, arteriolar
endothelium, and epithelial cells of Bowman’s capsule. COX-2 is restricted to
the renal medullary inter-stitial cells, the macula densa, and the cortical
thick ascending limb.
major renal eicosanoid products are PGE2 and PGI2,
fol-lowed by PGF2α and TXA2. The kidney also
synthesizes several hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids, leukotrienes, cytochrome
P450 products, and epoxides. Prostaglandins play important roles in maintaining
blood pressure and regulating renal function, particu-larly in marginally
functioning kidneys and volume-contracted states. Under these circumstances,
renal cortical COX-2-derived PGE2 and PGI2 maintain renal
blood flow and glomerular filtra-tion rate through their local vasodilating
effects. These prostaglan-dins also modulate systemic blood pressure through
regulation of water and sodium excretion. Expression of medullary COX-2 and
mPGES-1 is increased under conditions of high salt intake. COX-2-derived
prostanoids increase medullary blood flow and inhibit tubular sodium
reabsorption, while COX-1-derived products pro-mote salt excretion in the
collecting ducts. Increased water clear-ance probably results from an
attenuation of the action of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) on adenylyl cyclase.
Loss of these effects may underlie the systemic or salt-sensitive hypertension
often associated with COX inhibition. A common mispercep-tion—often articulated
in discussion of the cardiovascular toxicity of drugs such as rofecoxib—is that
hypertension secondary to NSAID administration is somehow independent of the
inhibition of prostaglandins. Loop diuretics, eg, furosemide, produce some of
their effect by stimulating COX activity. In the normal kidney, this increases
the synthesis of the vasodilator prostaglandins. Therefore, patient response to
a loop diuretic is diminished if a COX inhibitor is administered concurrently .
is an additional layer of complexity associated with the effects of renal
prostaglandins. In contrast to the medullary enzyme, cortical COX-2 expression
is increased by low salt intake, leading to increased renin release. This
elevates glomerular filtra-tion rate and contributes to enhanced sodium
reabsorption and a rise in blood pressure. PGE2 is thought to
stimulate renin release through activation of EP4 or EP2.
PGI2 can also stimulate renin release and this may be relevant to
maintenance of blood pressure in volume-contracted conditions and to the
pathogenesis of reno-vascular hypertension. Inhibition of COX-2 may reduce
blood pressure in these settings.
causes intrarenal vasoconstriction (and perhaps an ADH-like effect), resulting
in a decline in renal function. The normal kidney synthesizes only small
amounts of TXA2. However, in renal conditions involving inflammatory
cell infiltration (such as glom-erulonephritis and renal transplant rejection),
the inflammatory cells (monocyte-macrophages) release substantial amounts of
TXA2. Theoretically, TXA2 synthase inhibitors or receptor
antago-nists should improve renal function in these patients, but no such drug
is clinically available. Hypertension is associated with increased TXA2
and decreased PGE2 and PGI2 synthesis in some animal
models, eg, the Goldblatt kidney model. It is not known whether these changes
are primary contributing factors or secondary responses. Similarly, increased
TXA2 formation has been reported in cyclosporine-induced
nephrotoxicity, but no causal relationship has been established. PGF2α may elevate blood
pressure by regulat-ing renin release in the kidney. Although more research is
necessary, FP antagonists have potential as novel antihypertensive drugs.
1. Female reproductive organs—Animal studies
demon-strate a role for PGE2 and PGF2α in early reproductive
as ovulation, luteolysis, and fertilization. Uterine muscle is contracted by
PGF2α, TXA2, and low concentrations of PGE2;
PGI2 and high concentrations of PGE2 cause relaxation.
PGF2α, together with oxytocin, is essential for the onset of
parturition. The effects of prostaglandins on uterine function are discussed
below (see Clinical Pharmacology of Eicosanoids).
2. Male reproductive organs—Despite the discovery
of pros-taglandins in seminal fluid, and their uterotropic effects, the role of
prostaglandins in semen is still conjectural. The major source of these
prostaglandins is the seminal vesicle; the prostate, despite the name
“prostaglandin,” and the testes synthesize only small amounts. The factors that
regulate the concentration of prosta-glandins in human seminal plasma are not
known in detail, but testosterone does promote prostaglandin production.
Thromboxane and leukotrienes have not been found in seminal plasma. Men with a
low seminal fluid concentration of prostaglandins are rela-tively
infertile.Smooth muscle-relaxing prostaglandins such as PGE1 enhance
penile erection by relaxing the smooth muscle of the corpora cav-ernosa (see
Clinical Pharmacology of Eicosanoids).
1. Fever—PGE2increases
body temperature, predominantly viaEP3, although EP1 also
plays a role, especially when administered directly into the cerebral
ventricles. Exogenous PGF2α and PGI2 induce fever, whereas PGD2
and TXA2 do not. Endogenous pyro-gens release interleukin-1, which
in turn promotes the synthesis and release of PGE2. This synthesis
is blocked by aspirin and other antipyretic compounds.
2. Sleep—When infused into the
cerebral ventricles, PGD2induces natural sleep (as determined by
electroencephalographic analysis) via activation of DP1 receptors
and secondary release of adenosine. PGE2 infusion into the posterior
hypothalamus causes wakefulness.
3. Neurotransmission— PGE compounds inhibit
the releaseof norepinephrine from postganglionic sympathetic nerve end-ings.
Moreover, NSAIDs increase norepinephrine release in vivo, suggesting that the
prostaglandins play a physiologic role in this process. Thus, vasoconstriction
observed during treatment with COX inhibitors may be due, in part, to increased
release of nor- epinephrine as well as to inhibition of the
endothelial synthesis of the vasodilators PGE2 and PGI2.
PGE2 and PGI2 sensitize the peripheral nerve endings to
painful stimuli by increasing their terminal membrane excitability.
Prostaglandins also modulate pain centrally. Both COX-1 and COX-2 are expressed
in the spinal cord and release prostaglandins in response to peripheral pain
stimuli. PGE2, and perhaps also PGD2, PGI2,
and PGF2α, con-tribute to so-called central sensitization,
an increase in excitability of spinal dorsal horn neurons, that augments pain
intensity, wid-ens the area of pain perception, and results in pain from
normally innocuous stimuli
and PGI2 are the predominant prostanoids associated with
inflammation. Both markedly enhance edema formation and leu-kocyte infiltration
by promoting blood flow in the inflamed region. PGE2 and PGI2,
through activation of EP2 and IP, respec-tively, increase vascular
permeability and leukocyte infiltration. Through its action as a platelet
agonist, TXA2 can also increase platelet-leukocyte interactions.
Although probably not made by lymphocytes, prostaglandins may contribute
positively or nega-tively to lymphocyte function. PGE2 and TXA2
may play a role in T-lymphocyte development by regulating apoptosis of immature
thymocytes. PGE2 suppresses the immunologic response by inhib-iting
differentiation of B lymphocytes into antibody-secreting plasma cells, thus
depressing the humoral antibody response. It also inhibits cytotoxic T-cell
function, mitogen-stimulated prolif-eration of T lymphocytes, and the release
of cytokines by sensi-tized TH1 lymphocytes. PGE2 can modify myeloid
cell differentiation promoting type 2 immune-suppressive macrophage and myeloid
suppressor cell phenotypes. These effects likely con-tribute to immune escape
in tumors where infiltrating myeloid-derived cells predominantly display type 2
phenotypes. PGD2, a major product of mast cells, is a potent
chemoattractant for eosinophils in which it also induces degranulation and
leukotriene biosynthesis. PGD2 also induces chemotaxis and migration
of TH2 lymphocytes mainly via activation of DP2, although a role for
DP1 has also been established. It remains unclear how these two receptors
coordinate the actions of PGD2 in inflammation and immunity. A
degradation product of PGD2, 15d-PGJ2, at concen-trations
actually formed in vivo, may also activate eosinophils via the DP2
(CRTH2) receptor.
are abundant in skeletal tissue and are produced by osteoblasts and adjacent
hematopoietic cells. The major effect of prostaglandins (especially PGE2,
acting on EP4) in vivo is to increase bone turnover, ie, stimulation
of bone resorption and formation. EP4 receptor deletion in mice
results in an imbalance between bone resorption and formation, leading to a
negative balance of bone mass and density in older animals. Prostaglandins may
mediate the effects of mechanical forces on bones and changes in bone during inflammation.
EP4-receptor deletion and inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis
have both been associated with impaired fracture healing in animal models. COX
inhibitors can also slow skeletal muscle healing by interfering with
prostaglandin effects on myocyte proliferation, differentiation, and fibrosis
in response to injury. Prostaglandins may contribute to the bone loss that
occurs at menopause; it has been speculated that NSAIDs may be of therapeutic
value in osteoporosis and bone loss preven-tion in older women. However,
controlled evaluation of such therapeutic interventions has not been carried
out. NSAIDs, espe-cially those specific for inhibition of COX-2, delay bone
healing in experimental models of fracture.
and PGF derivatives lower intraocular pressure. The mecha-nism of this action
is unclear but probably involves increasedoutflow of aqueous humor from the
anterior chamber via the uveoscleral pathway (see Clinical Pharmacology of
has been significant interest in the role of prostaglandins, and in particular
the COX-2 pathway, in the development of malignancies. Pharmacologic inhibition
or genetic deletion of COX-2 restrains tumor formation in models of colon,
breast, lung, and other cancers. Large human epidemiologic studies have found
that the incidental use of NSAIDs is associated with significant reductions in
relative risk for developing these and other cancers. Chronic low-dose aspirin
does not appear to have a substantial impact on cancer incidence; however, it
is associated with reduced cancer death in a number of studies. In patients
with familial poly-posis coli, COX inhibitors significantly decrease polyp
formation. Polymorphisms in COX-2 have been associated with increased risk of
some cancers. Several studies have suggested that COX-2 expres-sion is
associated with markers of tumor progression in breast cancer. In mouse mammary
tissue, COX-2 is oncogenic whereas NSAID use is associated with a reduced risk
of breast cancer in women, especially for hormone receptor-positive tumors.
Despite the support for COX-2 as the predominant source of oncogenic
prostaglandins, randomized clinical trials have not been performed to determine
whether superior anti-oncogenic effects occur with selective inhibition of
COX-2, compared with nonselective NSAIDs. Indeed data from animal models and
epidemiologic studies in humans are consistent with a role for COX-1 as well as
COX-2 in the production of oncogenic prostanoids.
which is considered the principal oncogenic prostanoid, facilitates tumor
initiation, progression, and metastasis through multiple biologic effects,
increasing proliferation and angiogenesis, inhibiting apoptosis, augmenting
cellular invasiveness, and modu-lating immunosuppression. Augmented expression
of mPGES-1 is evident in tumors, and preclinical studies support the potential
use of mPGES-1 inhibitors in chemoprevention or treatment. In tumors reduced
levels of OATP2A1 and 15-PGDH, which medi-ate cellular uptake and metabolic
inactivation of PGE2, respec-tively, likely contribute to sustained
PGE2 activity. The pro- and anti-oncogenic roles of other
prostanoids remain under investiga-tion, with TXA2 emerging as
another likely procarcinogenic mediator, deriving either from macrophage COX-2
or platelet COX-1. Studies in mice lacking EP1, EP2, or
EP4 receptors con-firm reduced disease in multiple carcinogenesis
models. EP3, in contrast, plays no role or may even play a
protective role in some cancers. Transactivation of epidermal growth factor
receptor (EGFR) has been linked with the oncogenic activity of PGE2.
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