of Heat
When a substance is
heated, the following things can happen.
When heat is added to a
substance, the molecules gain energy and vibrate and force other molecules
apart. As a result expansion takes place. You would have seen some space being
left in railway tracks. It is because, during summer time, more heat causes
expansion in tracks. Expansion is greater for liquids than for solids and
maximum in case of gases.
When heat energy is
added to a substance, the kinetic energy of its particles increases and so the
particles move at higher speed. This causes rise in temperature. When a
substance is cooled, that is, when heat is removed, the molecules lose heat and
its temperature falls.
When you heat ice cubes,
they become water and water on further heating changes into vapour. So, solid
becomes liquid and liquid becomes gas, when heat is added. The reverse takes
place when heat is removed.
Since heat is a form of
energy it plays a major role in chemical changes. In some cases, chemical
reactions need heat to begin and also heat determines the speed at which
reactions occur. When we cook food, we light the wood and it catches fire and
the food particles become soft because of the heat energy. These are all the
chemical changes taking place due to heat.
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