Domes are construced with many planes so they
ressemble the facets of a diamond.The structural problem in designing these
shells is to provide enough angle between the planes so that an actual rib is
formed which will be stiff enough to support the plane surface.Usually it is
best to start with a spherical translation surface.
plate dome:
This makes use of tapered folded plate slanting to
the centre in the form of a tent.It can be built so that each of the triangular
elements is self supporting during construction except for possibly a single
shore at the crown.To obtain natural light the top may be cut off & a ring
inserted with a sky light.The arch thrusts are taken through this ring &
the difficult forming of the narrow plate at the crown is avoided.If the
structure is large there would be very high bending stresses due to the
curvature & the ring would be very large.
facet dome:
There may be discontinuous in the layout of
intersections which make or destroy the visual effect & make the structure
more difficult to design.This dome can be of much greater span than the
previous example because the span of the individual slab element is less.A dome
hexagonal in plain can be made continuous with adjacent units if it is
necessary to cover a large area.
sphere- vertical walls:
A half sphere for a dome of revolution does not
require a thrust ring at the base so it can be placed on vertical walls &
made continuous with a walls.This design is used for tanks because the roof
becomes a part of the tank.The vertical portion of the sphere is not difficult
to construct if
pneumatically applied shotcrete or a similar
process is used.The structure with arched openings an a plastic dome on the
crown has a rather oriental feeling.The most serious problems in the
architecture of dome is acoustics.In a domed ceiling the sound may reverberate
as many as 20 times unless there is acoustical treatment.
in plan:
This structure is a spherical dome with portions
sliced off to form a square or rectangle.Most areas to be covered are
rectangular so a circular dome is not always a good solution to the planning
requirements.This dome is supported by four rigid frame & would only be
suitable for small span because the frame would get quire in large.For long
spans it is necessary to place a tie between the knees of the frame.These ties
can be made a part of the windows.Stresses in the shell are direct compression
stresses except across the corner where there are direct tensile due to the
outward spread of the forces.The arches or rigid frames pic up the shell forces
by shear parallel to the arches which are zero at the top & maximum at the
bottom.There is no component of force in the shell perpendicular to the arches.
The domes is rectangular & is continuous with
the adjacent domes.The edges of dome are supported by tied arches or brousing
trusses.If windows are needed in these arches,the mullions may be made to serve
as vertical hangers for the bottom chords of the arch.In constructing the
shell,each one of the dome elements is an independent structural unit so the
forms may be moved without shoring all or part of the dome already cast.The
shell thickness of this type of dome does not need to be greater than a
circular dome except at the triangular corners.Membrane action ceases to exists
& the corner should be designed as a slab.
This structure looks very much like the square
dome.A translation shell is generated by a vertical curve sliding along another
vertical curve.The curvs can be circles,ellipses or parabolas.Therefore the
vertical sections are all identical as opposed to a circular dome in which all
vertical sections vary in height.This is a big advantage in construction of the
formwork.This method can provide a rectangular dome with the same height of
arch on all sides,thus making a rectangular dome feasible.
Most of the load is carried by the side arches
with some coming directly to the corners.A tie at the springing of the arches
but usually this will be covered by the walls.Such shells are suitable for
quite long spans with some interior lighting furnished by skylights in the
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