Depressive personality
disorder is characterized by a perva-sive pattern of depressive cognitions
and behaviors in vari-ous contexts. It occurs equally in men and women and more
often in people with relatives who have major depressive dis-orders. People
with depressive personality disorders often seek treatment for their distress
and generally have a favor-able response to antidepressant medications (APA,
Although clients with depressive personality disorder may seem to
have similar behavior characteristics as cli-ents with major depression (e.g.,
moodiness, brooding, joylessness, or pessimism), the personality disorder is
much less severe. Clients with depressive personality dis-order usually do not
experience the severity and long duration of major depression or the hallmark
symptoms of sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, recurrent thoughts of death,
and total disinterest in all activities.
These clients have a sad, gloomy, or dejected affect. They express
persistent unhappiness, cheerlessness, and hopelessness, regardless of the
situation. They often report the inability to experience joy or pleasure in any
activity; they cannot relax and do not display a sense of humor. Clients may
repress or not express anger. They brood and worry over all aspects of daily
life. Thinking is negative and pessimistic; these clients rarely see any hope
for future improvement. They view this pessimism as “being realis-tic.”
Regardless of positive outcomes in a given situation, negative thinking
continues. Judgment or decision-making skills are usually intact but dominated
by pessimistic thinking; clients often blame themselves or others unjustly for
situations beyond anyone’s control.
Self-esteem is quite low, with feelings of worthlessness and
inadequacy even when clients have been successful. Self-criticism often leads
to punitive behavior and feelings of guilt or remorse. Clients may appear
overtly quiet and passive; they prefer to follow others rather than be leaders
in any work or social situation. Although clients feel dependent on approval
from others, they tend to be overly critical and quick to reject others first.
These clients, who need and want the approval and attention of others,
actu-ally drive others away; this reinforces feelings of being unworthy of
anyone’s attention.
When working with clients who report depressed feelings, it is
always important to assess whether there is risk for self-harm. If a client
expresses suicidal ideation or has urges for self-injury, the nurse must
provide interventions and plan care as indicated .
The nurse explains that the client must take action, rather than
wait, to feel better. Encouraging the client to become involved in activities
or engaged with others pro-vides opportunities to interrupt the cyclical,
negative thought patterns.
Giving factual feedback, rather than general praise, reinforces
attempts to interact with others and gives spe-cific positive information about
improved behaviors. An example of general praise is
“Oh, you’re
doing so well today.”
This statement does not identify specific positive behav-iors.
Allowing the client to identify specific positive behav-iors often helps to
promote self-esteem. An example of specific praise is
“You talked to
Mrs. Jones for 10 minutes, even though it was difficult. I know that took a lot
of effort.”
This statement gives the client a clear message about what specific
behavior was effective and positive the client’s ability to talk to someone
Cognitive restructuring techniques such as thought stopping or
positive self-talk (discussed previously) also can enhance self-esteem. Clients
learn to recognize nega-tive thoughts and feelings and learn new positive
patterns of thinking about themselves.
It may be necessary to teach the client effective social skills
such as eye contact, attentive listening, and topics appropriate for initial
social conversation (e.g., the weather, current events, or local news). Even if
the client knows these social skills, practicing them is important—first with
the nurse and then with others. Practicing with the nurse is initially less
threatening. Another simple but effective technique is to help the client
practice giving others com-pliments. This requires the client to identify
something positive rather than negative in others. Giving compli-ments also
promotes receiving compliments, which fur-ther enhances positive feelings.
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