Which affects the
structure or functions of human being with specific symptom is called disease
or disorder.
A communicable disease
is an illness that is transmitted from a person , animal , or inanimate source
of another person either directly , with the assistance of an intermediate host
or by a vector. communicable disease present in an epidemic, endemic and
pandemic .
1. Incubation period
The time taken to show
the first clinical symptoms to appear after infection.
2. Vector
Any living carrier that
carries and transfers an infectious agent into another living organism is known
as vector. E.g: Flies, Mosquito.
3. Isolation
Separation of an
infected organism, after the development of infection, From other organism, For
a period of communicability.
4. Host
A person or an animal
harbours the infectious agent.
5. Infectious
A communicable disease
which is caused by an Infection.
6. Infection
Is the invasion and
multiplication of disease-causing agents, which leads the tissue damage.
7. Infectious agent
All infection causing
agents are known as infectious agents. E.g : Virus, Bacteria, Nematodes,
Arthropods etc.
8. Transmission
Is the process of
spreading the infection from one medium to another medium. E.g: Touch,
inhalation, sexual contact, infected discharges.
9. Contagious disease
It means capable of
being transmitted from one human to another human via direct or indirect
contact. E.g : Measles
10. Epidemiology
Is the study of
distribution and determinates of disease conditions among the populations.
Water borne diseases
Air borne diseases
Disease Transmitted through Parasites
Disease Transmitted through Arthopods
Disease Transmitted through Animals
Disease Transmitted through Contact.
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