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Patient Hygiene - Care of Foot and Nail - Personal Hygiene | 11th Nursing : Chapter 7 : Hygiene - Patient and their Environment

Chapter: 11th Nursing : Chapter 7 : Hygiene - Patient and their Environment

Care of Foot and Nail - Personal Hygiene

The foot and nails require special attention to prevent infection, odors and an injury to tissue.

Care of Foot and Nail

The foot and nails require special attention to prevent infection, odors and an injury to tissue. Problems may result from poor care of the feet and nails. Such as improper trimming, exposure to chemicals and poorly fitted shoes.


1.        To keep nail harmless

2.        To prevent accumulation of dirt under the nail and reduce occurrence of infection.

Care of Nail and Foot

1.        Inspect the feet daily including the toes and soles of the feet and the area between the toes.

2.        Wash and soak the feet daily using Luke warm water (37 degree C).

3.        If the feet perspire, apply a bland foot powder.

4.        If dryness is noted along the feet, apply soft oil and rub gently into the skin.

5.        File the toe nails straight across and square.

6.        Avoid wearing elastic socks and clean daily the socks.

7.        Wear properly fitted shoes.

8.        Exercise regularly to improve circulation to the lower extremities.

Take Care of Minor Cuts and Infections

Characteristics of a healthy nail

A normal healthy nail is transparent, smooth and convex with pink nail beds and translucent white tips.

1.        Dry Skin :- It can cause itching and burning feet. Use mild soap in small amounts and a moisturizing cream or lotion on the legs and feet every day.

2.        Corns and Calluses :- These are caused by friction and pressure when the bony parts of the feet rub against the shoes.

3.        Warts:- A wart is an infection caused by a virus. Which can invade the skin through small cuts and breaks. The wart develops into a hard and rough growth on the surface of the skin. People with allergies or weakened immune systems are more vulnerable to the wart.

4.        Ingrown Toe Nails:- An ingrown nail is the result of a nail growing into the skin that surrounds it. It may be caused by improper trimming, fungalinfection or pressure.

5.        Bunions: It is an enlarged bone on the side of the big toe that is angled outward. The big toe may be angled mildly or sharply toward the other toes.

6.        Hammer Toes:- It is an arched toe, the result of an abnormal contraction or “buckling” that leaves the toe in a claw like position.

7.        Spurs:-Spurs are Calcium growth that develops on bones of the feet. They are caused by muscle strain in the feet. Prolong standing, bad fitting shoes and over- weight can make spurs worse. Heel supports are the treatment for spurs.

8.        Foot Odor:- Result of excessive perspiration promoting micro organism growth.


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11th Nursing : Chapter 7 : Hygiene - Patient and their Environment : Care of Foot and Nail - Personal Hygiene | Patient Hygiene

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