Biomagnification is the increase in contaminated
substances due to the intoxicating environment. The contaminants might be heavy metals
such as mercury, arsenic, and pesticides such as polychlorinated biphenyls and DDT
(Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloro ethane). These substances are takenup by the
organisms through the food they consume. When the organisms in the higher food
chain feed on the organisms in the lower food chain containing these toxins,
these toxins get accumulated in the higher organisms.
Following are the major causes of
a. The agricultural pesticides,
insecticides, fertilizers and fungicides are very toxic and are released into
the soil, rivers, lakes, and seas. These cause health issues in aquatic
organisms and humans.
b. Organic contaminants cause
adverse impact on the health of humans, animals, and wildlife.
c. Industrial activities release
toxic substances which enter into the organism through food chain leading to
d. Mining activities generate a
large amount of sulphide and selenium deposits in water. These toxic substances
are absorbed by the aquatic organisms in the food chain.
Following are the effects of
bio-magnification on living organisms and the environment:
a. It has more impact on humans
causing cancer, kidney problems, liver failure, birth defects, respiratory
disorders, and heart diseases.
b. It also affects the reproduction
and development of marine organisms.
c. The destruction of coral reefs
affects the lives of many aquatic animals.
d. The chemicals and toxins which
are released into the water bodies disrupt the food chain.
More to know
Dr. K. Sakhila Banu, a
scientist from Texas A & M University, USA has found out that the water
contaminated by chromium metal induces infertility in female species and also
causes oxidative stress in the human placenta which could affect the growth of
the baby. She is from Pudupattinam village in Ramnad district, Tamil Nadu.
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