Social Science : Geography
IV. Answer the
following in brief:
1. What do you mean by the term
Hydrosphere :
The 'Hydrosphere' is the watery part of the earth. This consists
of water in various forms found on the earth.
2. What is hydrological cycle?
Hydrological Cycle:
The Earth's water is not static. It is always in motion. Water
changes its form (Ice, Water and Water Vapour) constantly is "Hydrological Cycle”
3. Mention the various relief
features of ocean floor.
Major Relief
Features of the Ocean :
• Continental shelf
• Continental slope
• Continental rise
• Deep Sea Plain (or) Abyssal Plain
• Oceanic deep
• Oceanic ridge
4. What are the factors that
generate the ocean currents?
Factors generating
Ocean Currents :
• Earth's rotation
• Prevailing winds
• Differences in temperature
• Salinity of ocean water
5. Write a brief note on sea
• Sea waves are
considered to be the strongest of all the movements of the oceans. When winds
blow over the sea.
• Sea waves are ripples on water. The height of the waves
depends on the speed of wind, its duration and the direction.
• Waves that caused by tremors felt on the ocean quiet floor are
destructive and called Tsunami'.
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