The normal spine comprises three columns: ante-rior, middle, and
posterior. The anterior column includes the anterior two thirds of the
vertebral body and the anterior longitudinal ligament. The middle column
includes the posterior third of the vertebral body, the posterior longitudinal
liga-ment, and the posterior component of the annulus fibrosis. The posterior
column includes the laminae and facets, the spinous processes, and the
inter-spinous ligaments. Spine instability results when two or more of the
three columns are disrupted. The trauma patient with a relevant mechanism of
injury (typically blunt force involving acceleration– deceleration) must be
approached with a high degree of suspicion for spine injury unless it has been
ruled out radiographically.
A lateral radiograph of the cervical spine dem-onstrating the entire
cervical spine to the top of the T1 vertebra will detect 85–90% of significant
cervical spine abnormalities. Cervical spine radio-graphs should be examined
for the appearance and alignment of the vertebral bodies, narrowing or widening
of interspinous spaces and the central canal, alignment along the anterior and
posterior ligament lines, and appearance of the spinolaminar line and posterior
spinous processes of C2 through C7. The presence of one spinal fracture is
associ-ated with a 10–15% incidence of a second spinal fracture.
Th oracolumbar injuries most commonly involve the T11 through L3
vertebrae as a result of flexion forces. The presence of one thoracolumbar
spinal injury is associated with a 40% chance of a sec-ond fracture caudal to
the first, likely due to the force required to fracture the lower spine.
Bilateral calcaneus fractures also warrant a thorough thora-columbar spine
evaluation due to the increased inci-dence of associated spinal fractures
associated with this injury pattern.
Cervical spine injuries occurring above C2
are associated with apnea and death. Lesions of C3–5 impact phrenic nerve
function, impairing dia-phragmatic breathing. High spinal injuries are often
accompanied by neurogenic shock due to loss of sympathetic tone. Neurogenic
shock may be masked initially in major trauma because hypotension may be
attributed to a hemorrhagic, rather than a neu-rologic, cause. The presence of
profound bradycar-dia 24–48 h after a high thoracic spinal cord lesion likely
represents compromise of the cardioaccelera-tor function found in the T1–4
The principal therapeutic objectives
following spinal cord injury are to prevent exacerbation of the primary
structural injury and to minimize the risk of extending neurological injury
from hypotension-related hypoperfusion of ischemic areas of the spinal cord. In
patients with complete spinal cord transec-tion, very few interventions will
influence recovery. In patients with incomplete spinal cord lesions, careful
management of hemodynamic parameters and surgical stabilization of the spine
are critical in preventing extension of the existing injury.
Methylprednisolone is often administered for
spinal cord injury to reduce spinal cord edema in the tight confines of the
spinal canal, although there is scant evidence that this intervention improves
outcomes following spinal cord injury in humans. While not considered a
standard of care, it is included in the current clinical recommendations of the
American Association of Neurological Surgeons as a treatment
option. Maintaining supranormal mean arterial blood pressures to assure spinalcord perfusion in areas of reduced blood flow due to cord compression or
vascular compromise is likely to be of more benef it than steroid
administration. Hypotension must be avoided during induction of anesthesia and
throughout surgical decompression and stabilization of a spinal injury.
Surgical decompression and stabilization of
spinal fractures are indicated when a vertebral body loses more than 50% of its
normal height or the spinal canal is narrowed by more than 30% of its normal
diameter. Despite outcome studies from ani-mal models of traumatic spinal cord
injury demon-strating benefit from early surgical intervention or steroid
therapy, or both, current human studies have failed to demonstrate significant
benefit from either intervention. Currently, the presence of a decom-pressible
lesion in the area of an incomplete spinal cord transection is not an
indication for early opera-tive intervention unless other, more
life-threatening, conditions are present.
The elderly are at greater risk for spinal
cord injury due to decreased mobility and flexibility, a higher incidence of
spondylosis and osteophyte formation in the degenerative spine, and decreased
intracanal space accommodating spinal cord edema following cord trauma. The
incidence of spinal injury from falls in the elderly is rapidly approaching
that of spinal cord injury from motor vehicle acci-dents in younger patients.
Mortality following spinal cord injury in the elderly, particularly those over
the age of 75 years, is higher than that in younger coun-terparts with similar
The unique injury pattern of penetrating
spinal cord injury warrants consideration. Unlike blunt spinal trauma,
penetrating trauma of the spinal cord due to bullets and shrapnel is unlikely
to induce an unstable spine. As a result, C-collar and long-board
immobilization may not be indicated. In fact, C-collar placement in the
presence of a cervical spine penetrating injury may hinder observation of soft
tissue swelling, tracheal deviation, or other anatomic indications of imminent
airway compromise. Unlike blunt trauma, penetrating injuries of the spinal cord
induce damage at the moment of injury without risk of subsequent exacerbation
of the injury. Like other spinal cord injuries, however, maintenance of spi-nal
cord perfusion using supranormal mean arterial pressures is indicated until
spinal cord function can be more fully evaluated.
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