Toxicology laboratories use several
methods to screen for poisons/drugs, since there is no single, accurate,
inexpensive method for this purpose. Each method differs in cost, accu-racy,
complexity, speed, and specificity. The actual equipment required depends on
the size of the laboratory and the kind of testing done. A basic, ideal
laboratory should have the following facilities/resources:
Calibrated laboratory balances
Bench top centrifuge
Vortex mixer
Water bath and heating block
Butane gas burner
Fume cupboard
Refrigerator and Freezer
pH metre
Automatic/semi-automatic pipettes
Low power polarising microscope
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) plates
UV spectrophotometer
UV lamp
Conway microdiffusion apparatus
Porcelain spotting tile
Modified Gutzeit apparatus.
In addition, it is desirable to have the following
specialised equipment, though they are quite expensive:
· High Performance Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC)*
· Gas Chromatography (GC)
· Mass Spectrometry (MS)
· Facility for Radio Immuno Assay (RIA)
Enzyme Mediated Immuno Assay Technique (EMIT)**.
There should also be access to sophisticated systems of
analysis which are normally beyond the scope of a toxicology laboratory, such
as Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS),
and Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA).
In a given case of poisoning it may
be sufficient to know just the nature of poison (qualitative analysis), or there may be a need for identification as
well as estimation of its concentration in the body (quantitative analysis).
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