Abnormal Combustion
Delay period:
period is the time interval (measured in milliseconds) between the commencement
of fuel injection and the beginning of ignition and combustion. The start of
combustion is indicated by the deviation of point of the pressure curve above
the normal compression pressure. In practice, this actual time is as low as
0.006 seconds. The delay period consists of the following:
1. Physical
delay period.
2. Chemical
delay period.
Physical delay period:
delay period or the mixing period is the time elapses between the beginning of
fuel injection and the beginning of pre flame reactions. During this period,
heating, and vaporization of the fuel drop and diffusion of air into the vapour
layer takes place. This results in the formation of suitable mixture of fuel
vapour and air ready for chemical reaction.
Chemical delay period:
delay period or integration period is the time that elapses between the
beginning of chemical and beginning of ignition. During this period, the fuel
vapour is being oxidized at an ever increasing rate until ignition occurs. In
other words, this is the period taken up by the chemical reactions to attain
the point of burning or self-ignition. In addition to the above, the delay
period is also influenced by the degree of atomization i.e.disintegration of
fuel jet injected and characteristics of combustion chamber. The delay is the
more or less constant in time units. In high speed diesel engines, ignition
delay is in the order of 0.0012 to 0.0018 seconds.
Factors influencing delay period:
1. Characteristics
of fuel (self-ignition temperature, volatility and viscosity).
2. Temperature
and pressure of compressed air.
3. Degree of
atomization of injected fuel.
4. Air
motion / turbulence present in the combustion space.
5. Engine
6. Injection
7. Characteristics
of the combustion chamber.
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