H. Arrange the jumbled sentences and write a paragraph. Use
appropriate conjunctions.
Jane Eyre is an orphan.
She lives with her aunt
Mrs. Reed.
Mrs. Reed does not like
Jane because Jane is not her daughter.
Jane’s uncle Mr. Reed
likes Jane, but he dies.
He makes Mrs. Reed promise
to take care of Jane, but instead she sends Jane away.
Jane is ten years old,
she is sent to Lowood school.
Jane graduates and stays
there to teach.
She leaves for Thornfield,
where she is a governess.
She is very happy there.
Answer: 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Jane Eyre is an
orphan. So she lives with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Reed. Jane’s uncle
Mr. Reed likes Jane, but he dies. Mrs. Reed does not like Jane because Jane is
not her daughter. Before his death, Uncle Reed makes his wife promise to take
care of Jane, but instead she sends her away. As Jane is only ten years old,
she is sent to Lowood school. As, Jane gets graduated herself, she stays there
to teach. From there, she leaves for Thornfield, where she becomes a governess.
She is very happy there.
I. Read scene I. Discuss with your partner what Mrs Reed might
write about Jane in her letter to the owner of a school. Now complete her letter
to Mr. Brocklehurst.
Gateshead Hall, Gateshead Northumberland
Dear Sir,
understand that you have a school for the orphans. My niece, Miss. Jane Eyre, who is ten years
old, is an orphan. She lost her parents. I am finding it difficult to bring her
up here. So I request you to admit her in your charity institution. If you
permit to take her, I will send her to Lowood.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Reed.
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