Jane Eyre
- by Charlotte Bronte
Discuss and Answer
1. Why does Jane want
to go to school or learn anything in the first place?
Answer: Jane wants to learn
life's lessons that shape her character as an adult.
2. Why does education
become such an important issue for her as a child?
Answer: Education becomes
such an important issue for Jane because education takes place for every single
one of her emotional and physical needs - food, shelter, family and friendship.
3. What does Jane’s
education at Lowood prepare her to do?
Answer: Jane's education at
Lowood prepares her to understand the world in terms of a teacher-student
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In Jane’s childhood,
education takes the place of every single one of her emotional and physical needs—food,
shelter, family, and friendship. Because Jane initially learns to understand the
world in terms of a teacher—student relationship, all her friendships have some
master—pupil tinge to them.
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