Imagine a conversation among your friends about the four characters' in
the play – Tabaqui, Shere Khan, Mother Wolf and Father Wolf. Use the hints to write
* The character’s entry in the play.
* Compare and contrast their character traits.
* The reaction of the characters on seeing the man cub.
In scene one, Mother Wolf and Father Wolf enter. Father Wolf gets ready to hunt and Mother Wolf takes protective measures by dropping the cubs into the mouth of the cave. Tabaqui, the Jackal enters from the downhill towards Father Wolf and asks for a meal. It flatters the cubs of the Wolf and warns everyone about Shere Khan, who is going to hunt among those hills for the next moon.
Father Wolf gets angry
on hearing about Shere Khan and his hunt among the hills. But Mother Wolf
speaks quietly and tells all what she knows about Shere Khan. Tabaqui, who
comes there as a messenger to inform about the hunt of Shere Khan, goes away
Among the bushes, they
see a man-cub-holding on a low branch. Mother Wolf gets excited to have him in
their midst. She thinks of rearing him along with her cubs, though Father Wolf
was a bit hesitant. Shere Khan and Tabaqui come in search of the baby. They see
that the man-cub had gone into the mouth of the cave and asks Father Wolf to
give the baby to them. But Father Wolf sternly says that the man-cub belonged
to them. When Shere Khan roars angrily at this, Mother Wolf springs forward, facing
Shere Khan bravely. She says that the man-cub is hers. He shall live to run and
hunt with the pack. In the end, he will hunt Shere Khan. So Shere Khan backs
out growling that the man-cub will come to him one day.
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