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Introduction - World of Microbes | 9th Science : World of Microbes

Chapter: 9th Science : World of Microbes

World of Microbes

Microbiology (greek words: mikros -small, bios- life bearing, logy- study), is a branch of biology that deals with living organisms of microscopic size, which include bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses.

World of Microbes


Microbiology (greek words: mikros -small, bios- life bearing, logy- study), is a branch of biology that deals with living organisms of microscopic size, which include bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses. Microbes are found in habitats like terrestrial, aquatic, atmospheric or in living hosts. Some of them survive in extreme environments like hot springs, ice sheets, water bodies with high salt content and low oxygen, and in arid places with limited water availability.

Some of the microorganisms are beneficial to us and they are used in the preparation of curd, bread, cheese, alcohol, vaccines and vitamins, while some others are harmful causing diseases to plants and animals including human being. We at one time or the other in our life, have suffered from bodyache, fever, cold, vomiting, diarrhoea and many other conditions which may give an individual discomfort or uneasiness. All these symptoms are associated with diseases which affect our health and make us feel uncomfortable. This topic will explore the beneficial and harmful effects of microbes in relation to welfare of human kind.


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