"Who Understands Him Best?"
These words of my father's
changed me.
At the nearby supermarket where my mother and I often go shopping
together, there was a disabled man working. He twisted his legs in strange ways
when he walked. I think he would have been tall if his spine were stretched
long, but because he was always stooped with rounded shoulders, he appeared
very small. I wasn't sure if I felt sorry for him or just felt badly, but for
some reason, I tried to keep him out of view. If I caught sight of him, I would
purposely take a roundabout route, use a different entrance, or otherwise try
to avoid meeting him. When I happened to run into him, I hurriedly left that
One time, I was waiting in the car while my mother was shopping. I was
casually looking out my window, when he popped into view. Since there was
nothing to do, I watched him absentmindedly. He was busily working, holding a
broom in one hand and looking for trash in the parking lot. As usual, he called
out, "Irasshaimase!
(Welcome!)" to each new customer, bowing his head briefly. As I watched
him, I somehow felt pity for him.
Why is he doing this job? He
should just quit. Why is the store manager making a disabled person work?
Another person could probably work faster and do more. I wonder if they're
forcing him to do it. On my own, I imagined all kinds
of things. At dinner, when I was telling my
older sister about what happened that day, my father spoke up.
"Who do you think understands that man best? Another person might
be able to do the job faster, but then the disabled man would have no place to
work, even though he wants to. I think the store manager hired that man because
he understands him very well."
I was shocked. The person I had thought was being mean to the disabled
man was really the one who understood him best. Having made my own assumptions,
I had quickly created a biased view. When I realized this, I was able to see
everything differently. When I looked around carefully, everything from the
store to the parking lot was clean and tidy. This was due to the disabled man's
work. And, I noticed that when he said, "Irasshaimase!" bowed his head, and lifted it up again, he had
a smile on his face. The customers were smiling, too. I felt very ashamed that
I had been viewing him differently.
Recently, when I was at the supermarket, I got up the courage to say
"Hello" to the disabled man. He looked surprised, then gave a big
smile and returned my greeting. It was a simple greeting that took only a few
seconds, but it made me feel very happy. I want to do whatever I can to become
a person who is naturally able to help others, and to create a wonderful
society in which everyone is kind and supportive of each other.
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