I walked on land that was supposed be a stream. I stood with people who
were supposed to be 'animals'. Well, I myself wasn't really
supposed to be there at all, for Machchar Colony, an unrecognized community, is
a cradle of crime in Karachi. Swarms of languid plastic bags blew in the
densely fetid air, the man-made earth blooped each time I moved with the stream
stirring threateningly under my feet. Tattered straw huts dotted the sides of
this path, from which curious faces popped out to stare at my unceremonious slog
with heels. I finally reached the school where I had volunteered to assist.
The entrance was a big oval hole blasted in a wall, curtained with a
hole-riddled cloth. The building consisted of 10 rooms, a small courtyard and a
back garden. As I walked from class to class I realized something missing-there
was no teacher. The children were playing noisily around; the desks were being
used for passionate graffiti craft work or as obstacles in the obstacle-races.
The older boys listlessly ambled about in the courtyard, smoking keenly. It
seemed that they were clinging to the last vestiges of their fast evaporating
childhood, by visiting school before they would have to make their way into the
criminal world.
Finally I found a teacher in the last room. She was chatting animatedly
on her cell-phone, so I waited. When she finished, I told her about myself and
that I wanted to help her teach to gain work-experience. She looked at me
quizzically, suspecting me of ulterior motives. After interrogating me more,
and satisfied that my motives, whatever they were, would not involve her, she
gave me the approval and went back to her happy chirrup.
I was uncertain from where to start. I had brought my box of paper,
pencils, erasers and crayons, so I grouped all the kids together and handed out
paper and pencils. I drew a circle on the blackboard and asked them to copy it.
But I was disappointed to see they didn't know how to hold a pencil. They were
gripping it hard like a knife. Maybe that's how they learned to hold thin pointed
objects. I took each child's hand and taught him how to draw. After some
painstaking efforts we learned to draw basic shapes.
It was always said that children of this colony by nature were capable
only of violence, so I was pleasantly surprised to see how receptive they were.
Despite the flat disapproval from my family and friends, I continued to trek
through the sewage-soaked paths to the school, and everyday taught them
something new. They learned fast and soon I was getting
Children learn whatever is placed before them. If they were given guns,
they would automatically learn to use them expertly. Although, not initially
planned I now decided to give them alphabets. Soon they mastered the English
Language. When I presented them with numbers, they learned to manipulate them
and became little Math genies. As I now see them jabbering fluently in English
and calculating decimals, I can't help feeling proud by the fact that their
intellectual prowess is equally as good as the private-schooled children's.
Nobody's fate is predetermined. We make our own destinies by the
opportunities provided to us. If a certain sector of our society is weak, it is
not because they are inherently incompetent. We too play a part in their ruin.
What this Machchar Colony taught me was that people have potential for
everything; they become masters of whatever you give them. Show them
unfairness, and they will become the champions of sin. Give them the reins of
trade, and they will re-write the rules of successful business. Enlighten them
with health awareness, and they will be an example of hygiene. Give them the
tools of Education, and they will produce the greatest intellectual feats of
And before everything however, all they need is
just a chance-a chance to prove themselves.
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