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Chapter: 12th Commerce : Chapter 7 : Financial Markets : Stock Exchange

Types of Speculators in stock market

Speculators in a stock market are of different types. They carry their names depending on their motive of trading in the stock exchange.

Types of Speculators

Speculators in a stock market are of different types. They carry their names depending on their motive of trading in the stock exchange. They are named after animals as their behavior could be compared best with the behavior of animals.



A Bull or Tejiwala is an operator who expects a rise in prices of securities in the future. In anticipation of price rise he makes purchases of shares at present and other securities with the intention to sell at higher prices in future. He is called bull because just like a bull tends to throw his victim up in the air, the bull speculator stimulates the price to rise. He is an optimistic speculator.



A bear or Mandiwala speculator expects prices to fall in future and sells securities at present with a view to purchase them at lower prices in future. A bear does not have securities at present but sells them at higher prices in anticipation that he will supply them by purchasing at lower prices in future. A bear usually presses its victim down to ground. Similarly the bear speculator tends to force down the prices of securities. A bear is a pessimistic speculator.



A stag is a cautious speculator in the stock exchange. He applies for shares in new companies and expects to sell them at a premium, if he gets an allotment. He selects those companies whose shares are in more demand and are likely to carry a premium. He sells the shares before being called to pay the allotment money. He is also called a premium hunter.


Lame Duck

When a bear finds it difficult to fulfill his commitment, he is said to be struggling like a lame duck. A bear speculator contracts to sell securities at a later date. On the appointed time he is not able to get the securities as the holders are not willing to part with them. In such situations, he feels concerned. Moreover, the buyer is not willing to carry over the transactions.

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12th Commerce : Chapter 7 : Financial Markets : Stock Exchange : Types of Speculators in stock market |

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