of Data:
are broadly divided into two types namely quantitative (or numeric) and
1. Quantitative Data: Quantitative or numerical data refers to the observations that can be counted
or measured. The data are said to be discrete if the measurements are integers (e.g. number of
members in a family, number of students in the classroom, number of chocolates
consumed per day) and continuous if the measurements can take on any value,
usually within some range (e.g. weight).
2. Qualitative Data: Qualitative data is descriptive information (describes something). It arises when
the observations fall into separate distinct categories. Since qualitative data
always have a limited number of alternative values, such variables are also
described as discrete.
Examples are: Colour of eyes: blue,
green, brown etc
Exam result: pass or fail
Socio-economic status:
low, middle or high.
if there is no natural order between the categories (e.g. eye colour), or
if an ordering exists (e.g. exam results, socio-economic status).
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