Travel through
Have you ever observed the shadow
formation and how it behaves? children.
What do you notice in the image given
Are two people walking ?. And their
“shadows”.? There aren’t many people who have not heard of the term shadows.
But why and how are shadows formed.
To understand shadows, you will first
need to understand the sun light makes shadows.
Children, observe the images and
discuss how the position of sun and shadow varies from time to time in a day.
In last image, the sun is not there.
There are stars, the moon and dark sky in the night. Where was the sun?. Behind
the earth. Next day we begin with “Good Morning” and it goes on. This cycle is
called Day−Night cycle. It takes one day to make one revolution. It revolves 365 times to go one round
around the sun. Which means 365 days. This we call it as one year. We
celebrate “Happy New Year”.
In the above picture which will be the
fastest transport.? Which will be the slowest?
How do you measure the difference in
time?. We would use clock for measuring time.
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