Analogue and digital
Observe the following clocks.
Analogue clock, Digital clock
Analog clock has hour hand and minute hand. It shows time by the position of
the hands.
Digital clock shows the time
Express time in two ways
Activity 2
1. Write the time shown in analog
clock by digital representation.
2. Draw the hands of these clocks
to show time given in the digital clocks.
3. Match kavya’s schedule with the correct time.
a. It is 15 minutes past 8, when kavya starts for
her school. 7:45
b. It is half past 2, when kavya comes out of her
school. 9:30
c. It is 15 minutes to 5, when kavya goes out to
play. 2:30
d. It is 15 minutes to 8, when kavya eats her
dinner. 4:45
e. It is half past 9, when kavya goes to bed. 8:15
Answer :
a. It is 15 minutes past 8, when kavya starts for her school. 8:15
b. It is half past 2, when kavya comes out of her school. 2:30
c. It is 15 minutes to 5, when kavya goes out to play. 4:45
d. It is 15 minutes to 8, when kavya eats her dinner. 7:45
e. It is half past 9, when kavya goes to bed. 9:30
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