Let us recall the months of the year.
a. Join the dots in the
order of the days and colour the picture.
b. Join the dots in the
order of the months and colour the picture.
c. Fill in the blanks.
1. A year has 365 days.
2. There are 7 days in a week.
3. Twelve months are one a year.
4. A month has 30 days.
5. The first month of a year is January.
6. The first day of a week is Sunday.
Let us know
1 Week = 7 Days
1 Month = 30 Days
1 Year = 12 Months
1 Year = 365 Days
1 Leap year = 366 Days
A leap year has 366 days. There are 29
days in February in a leap year. It occurs once in every 4 years. The year 2016
was a leap year. 2020 will be the next leap year.
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