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Chapter: 3rd Maths : Term 1 Unit 5 : Time

Manufacture and expiry date

Manufacturing date or the date of manufacture refers to the date in which the product is produced.

Manufacture and expiry date

Manufacturing date or the date of manufacture refers to the date in which the product is produced.

Expiry date or the date of expiry refers to the date upto which the product can be used.We should not use a product beyond its expiry date.



1. Write the manufacture date and expiry date of the following items.

2. Calculate duration between manufacture and expiry date of the products tabulated below.


2 years

2 years

one month

3 months

1 month

Activity 4

Fill up the date of manufacture and date of expiry of food products you use in daily life.


1. Calculate the number of days in the first 5 months of a leap years 2016, 2020 and the ordinary years 2018 and 2023. What do you infer.

In leap years, Month of February has 29 days.

2. Draw the clocks for the times given below.

a. Quarter past 9

b. Quarter to 9

c. 10 minutes to 10

d. 10 minutes past 10

e. half past 8

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3rd Maths : Term 1 Unit 5 : Time : Manufacture and expiry date | Time | Term 1 Chapter 5 | 3rd Maths

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