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Chapter: 3rd Maths : Term 1 Unit 4 : Measurements

Comparing estimation with actuals using standard tools

Comparing estimation with actuals using standard tools

Comparing estimation with actuals using standard tools

Activity 7

Estimate the length of the following objects and verify by measuring it actually.



1. Circle the odd one.

1. mm 2. cm 3. m  4. Cubit

2. Fill the blanks.

1 meter = 100 cms

2 meter = 200 cms

3 meter = 300 cms

4 meter = 400 cms

3. Match the following.

10 milimeters – 1 kilometer

100 centimeters - 1 centimeter

1000 meters – 1 meter

Answer :

10 milimeters – 1 centimeter

100 centimeters – 1 meter

1000 meters – 1 kilometer

4. Write all the non−standard units.

1. Finger span

2. Hand Span

3. Cubit

4. Pace

5. Foot Span

5. Write all the standard units you know.

1. millimeter

2. centimeter

3. kilometer

4. Decimeter

5. meter

6. Complete the table.

7. Write in short form.

 millimeter : mm

centimeter : cm

meter : m

Kilometer : km

8. Write the given units in order.

( mm meter cm km )

Ascending order : mm, cm, m, km.

Descending order : km, m, cm, mm.

Activity 8

Students are divided into two groups. one group should measure the length of the classroom is non standard units and the other group in standard units Discuss your inference in measurements.

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