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Chapter: Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things : Distributed System Models and Enabling Technologies

Technologies for Network-Based Systems

1. Multicore CPUs and Multithreading Technologies 2. GPU Computing to Exascale and Beyond 3. Memory, Storage, and Wide-Area Networking 4. Virtual Machines and Virtualization Middleware 5. Data Center Virtualization for Cloud Computing



With the concept of scalable computing under our belt, its time to explore hardware, software, and network technologies for distributed computing system design and applications. In particular, we will focus on viable approaches to building distributed operating systems for handling massive par-allelism in a distributed environment.


1. Multicore CPUs and Multithreading Technologies


Consider the growth of component and network technologies over the past 30 years. They are crucial to the development of HPC and HTC systems. In Figure 1.4, processor speed is measured in millions of instructions per second (MIPS) and network bandwidth is measured in megabits per second (Mbps) or gigabits per second (Gbps). The unit GE refers to 1 Gbps Ethernet bandwidth.


1.1 Advances in CPU Processors


Today, advanced CPUs or microprocessor chips assume a multicore architecture with dual, quad, six, or more processing cores. These processors exploit parallelism at ILP and TLP levels. Processor speed growth is plotted in the upper curve in Figure 1.4 across generations of microprocessors or CMPs. We see growth from 1 MIPS for the VAX 780 in 1978 to 1,800 MIPS for the Intel Pentium 4 in 2002, up to a 22,000 MIPS peak for the Sun Niagara 2 in 2008. As the figure shows, Moores law has proven to be pretty accurate in this case. The clock rate for these processors increased from 10 MHz for the Intel 286 to 4 GHz for the Pentium 4 in 30 years.


However, the clock rate reached its limit on CMOS-based chips due to power limitations. At the time of this writing, very few CPU chips run with a clock rate exceeding 5 GHz. In other words, clock rate will not continue to improve unless chip technology matures. This limitation is attributed primarily to excessive heat generation with high frequency or high voltages. The ILP is highly exploited in modern CPU processors. ILP mechanisms include multiple-issue superscalar architecture, dynamic branch prediction, and speculative execution, among others. These ILP techniques demand hardware and compiler support. In addition, DLP and TLP are highly explored in graphics processing units (GPUs) that adopt a many-core architecture with hundreds to thousands of simple cores.


Both multi-core CPU and many-core GPU processors can handle multiple instruction threads at different magnitudes today. Figure 1.5 shows the architecture of a typical multicore processor. Each core is essentially a processor with its own private cache (L1 cache). Multiple cores are housed in the same chip with an L2 cache that is shared by all cores. In the future, multiple CMPs could be built on the same CPU chip with even the L3 cache on the chip. Multicore and multi-threaded CPUs are equipped with many high-end processors, including the Intel i7, Xeon, AMD Opteron, Sun Niagara, IBM Power 6, and X cell processors. Each core could be also multithreaded. For example, the Niagara II is built with eight cores with eight threads handled by each core. This implies that the maximum ILP and TLP that can be exploited in Niagara is 64 (8 × 8 = 64). In 2011, the Intel Core i7 990x has reported 159,000 MIPS execution rate as shown in the upper-most square in Figure 1.4.



1.2 Multicore CPU and Many-Core GPU Architectures


Multicore CPUs may increase from the tens of cores to hundreds or more in the future. But the CPU has reached its limit in terms of exploiting massive DLP due to the aforementioned memory wall problem. This has triggered the development of many-core GPUs with hundreds or more thin cores. Both IA-32 and IA-64 instruction set architectures are built into commercial CPUs. Now, x-86 processors have been extended to serve HPC and HTC systems in some high-end server processors.


Many RISC processors have been replaced with multicore x-86 processors and many-core GPUs in the Top 500 systems. This trend indicates that x-86 upgrades will dominate in data centers and supercomputers. The GPU also has been applied in large clusters to build supercomputers in MPPs. In the future, the processor industry is also keen to develop asymmetric or heterogeneous chip mul-tiprocessors that can house both fat CPU cores and thin GPU cores on the same chip.


1.3 Multithreading Technology

Consider in Figure 1.6 the dispatch of five independent threads of instructions to four pipelined data paths (functional units) in each of the following five processor categories, from left to right: a

four-issue superscalar processor, a fine-grain multithreaded processor, a coarse-grain multi-threaded processor, a two-core CMP, and a simultaneous multithreaded (SMT) processor. The superscalar processor is single-threaded with four functional units. Each of the three multithreaded processors is four-way multithreaded over four functional data paths. In the dual-core processor, assume two processing cores, each a single-threaded two-way superscalar processor.


Instructions from different threads are distinguished by specific shading patterns for instruc-tions from five independent threads. Typical instruction scheduling patterns are shown here. Only instructions from the same thread are executed in a superscalar processor. Fine-grain multithread-ing switches the execution of instructions from different threads per cycle. Course-grain multi-threading executes many instructions from the same thread for quite a few cycles before switching to another thread. The multicore CMP executes instructions from different threads com-pletely. The SMT allows simultaneous scheduling of instructions from different threads in the same cycle.


These execution patterns closely mimic an ordinary program. The blank squares correspond to no available instructions for an instruction data path at a particular processor cycle. More blank cells imply lower scheduling efficiency. The maximum ILP or maximum TLP is difficult to achieve at each processor cycle. The point here is to demonstrate your understanding of typical instruction scheduling patterns in these five different micro-architectures in modern processors.


2. GPU Computing to Exascale and Beyond


A GPU is a graphics coprocessor or accelerator mounted on a computers graphics card or video card. A GPU offloads the CPU from tedious graphics tasks in video editing applications. The worlds first GPU, the GeForce 256, was marketed by NVIDIA in 1999. These GPU chips can pro-cess a minimum of 10 million polygons per second, and are used in nearly every computer on the market today. Some GPU features were also integrated into certain CPUs. Traditional CPUs are structured with only a few cores. For example, the Xeon X5670 CPU has six cores. However, a modern GPU chip can be built with hundreds of processing cores.


Unlike CPUs, GPUs have a throughput architecture that exploits massive parallelism by executing many concurrent threads slowly, instead of executing a single long thread in a conven-tional microprocessor very quickly. Lately, parallel GPUs or GPU clusters have been garnering a lot of attention against the use of CPUs with limited parallelism. General-purpose computing on GPUs, known as GPGPUs, have appeared in the HPC field. NVIDIAs CUDA model was for HPC using GPGPUs. Chapter 2 will discuss GPU clusters for massively parallel computing in more detail [15,32].


2.1 How GPUs Work


Early GPUs functioned as coprocessors attached to the CPU. Today, the NVIDIA GPU has been upgraded to 128 cores on a single chip. Furthermore, each core on a GPU can handle eight threads of instructions. This translates to having up to 1,024 threads executed concurrently on a single GPU. This is true massive parallelism, compared to only a few threads that can be handled by a conventional CPU. The CPU is optimized for latency caches, while the GPU is optimized to deliver much higher throughput with explicit management of on-chip memory.


Modern GPUs are not restricted to accelerated graphics or video coding. They are used in HPC systems to power supercomputers with massive parallelism at multicore and multithreading levels. GPUs are designed to handle large numbers of floating-point operations in parallel. In a way, the GPU offloads the CPU from all data-intensive calculations, not just those that are related to video processing. Conventional GPUs are widely used in mobile phones, game consoles, embedded sys-tems, PCs, and servers. The NVIDIA CUDA Tesla or Fermi is used in GPU clusters or in HPC sys-tems for parallel processing of massive floating-pointing data.


2.2 GPU Programming Model


Figure 1.7 shows the interaction between a CPU and GPU in performing parallel execution of floating-point operations concurrently. The CPU is the conventional multicore processor with limited parallelism to exploit. The GPU has a many-core architecture that has hundreds of simple processing cores organized as multiprocessors. Each core can have one or more threads. Essentially, the CPUs floating-point kernel computation role is largely offloaded to the many-core GPU. The CPU instructs the GPU to perform massive data processing. The bandwidth must be matched between the on-board main memory and the on-chip GPU memory. This process is carried out in NVIDIAs CUDA programming using the GeForce 8800 or Tesla and Fermi GPUs. We will study the use of CUDA GPUs in large-scale cluster computing in Chapter 2.

Example 1.1 The NVIDIA Fermi GPU Chip with 512 CUDA Cores


In November 2010, three of the five fastest supercomputers in the world (the Tianhe-1a, Nebulae, and Tsubame) used large numbers of GPU chips to accelerate floating-point computations. Figure 1.8 shows the architecture of the Fermi GPU, a next-generation GPU from NVIDIA. This is a streaming multiprocessor (SM) module. Multiple SMs can be built on a single GPU chip. The Fermi chip has 16 SMs implemented with 3 billion transistors. Each SM comprises up to 512 streaming processors (SPs), known as CUDA cores. The Tesla GPUs used in the Tianhe-1a have a similar architecture, with 448 CUDA cores.


The Fermi GPU is a newer generation of GPU, first appearing in 2011. The Tesla or Fermi GPU can be used in desktop workstations to accelerate floating-point calculations or for building large-scale data cen-ters. The architecture shown is based on a 2009 white paper by NVIDIA [36]. There are 32 CUDA cores per SM. Only one SM is shown in Figure 1.8. Each CUDA core has a simple pipelined integer ALU and an FPU that can be used in parallel. Each SM has 16 load/store units allowing source and destination addresses to be calculated for 16 threads per clock. There are four special function units (SFUs) for executing transcendental instructions.


All functional units and CUDA cores are interconnected by an NoC (network on chip) to a large number of SRAM banks (L2 caches). Each SM has a 64 KB L1 cache. The 768 KB unified L2 cache is shared by all SMs and serves all load, store, and texture operations. Memory controllers are used to con-nect to 6 GB of off-chip DRAMs. The SM schedules threads in groups of 32 parallel threads called warps. In total, 256/512 FMA (fused multiply and add) operations can be done in parallel to produce 32/64-bit floating-point results. The 512 CUDA cores in an SM can work in parallel to deliver up to 515 Gflops of double-precision results, if fully utilized. With 16 SMs, a single GPU has a peak speed of 82.4 Tflops. Only 12 Fermi GPUs have the potential to reach the Pflops performance.

In the future, thousand-core GPUs may appear in Exascale (Eflops or 1018 flops) systems. This reflects a trend toward building future MPPs with hybrid architectures of both types of processing chips. In a DARPA report published in September 2008, four challenges are identified for exascale computing: (1) energy and power, (2) memory and storage, (3) concurrency and locality, and (4) system resiliency. Here, we see the progress of GPUs along with CPU advances in power

efficiency, performance, and programmability [16]. In Chapter 2, we will discuss the use of GPUs to build large clusters.

2.3 Power Efficiency of the GPU


Bill Dally of Stanford University considers power and massive parallelism as the major benefits of GPUs over CPUs for the future. By extrapolating current technology and computer architecture, it was estimated that 60 Gflops/watt per core is needed to run an exaflops system (see Figure 1.10). Power constrains what we can put in a CPU or GPU chip. Dally has estimated that the CPU chip consumes about 2 nJ/instruction, while the GPU chip requires 200 pJ/instruction, which is 1/10 less than that of the CPU. The CPU is optimized for latency in caches and memory, while the GPU is optimized for throughput with explicit management of on-chip memory.


Figure 1.9 compares the CPU and GPU in their performance/power ratio measured in Gflops/ watt per core. In 2010, the GPU had a value of 5 Gflops/watt at the core level, compared with less

than 1 Gflop/watt per CPU core. This may limit the scaling of future supercomputers. However, the GPUs may close the gap with the CPUs. Data movement dominates power consumption. One needs to optimize the storage hierarchy and tailor the memory to the applications. We need to promote self-aware OS and runtime support and build locality-aware compilers and auto-tuners for GPU-based MPPs. This implies that both power and software are the real challenges in future parallel and distributed computing systems.


3. Memory, Storage, and Wide-Area Networking Memory Technology


The upper curve in Figure 1.10 plots the growth of DRAM chip capacity from 16 KB in 1976 to 64 GB in 2011. This shows that memory chips have experienced a 4x increase in capacity every three years. Memory access time did not improve much in the past. In fact, the memory wall problem is getting worse as the processor gets faster. For hard drives, capacity increased from 260 MB in 1981 to 250 GB in 2004. The Seagate Barracuda XT hard drive reached 3 TB in 2011. This represents an approximately 10x increase in capacity every eight years. The capacity increase of disk arrays will be even greater in the years to come. Faster processor speed and larger memory capacity result in a wider gap between processors and memory. The memory wall may become even worse a problem limiting the CPU perfor-mance in the future.


3.2 Disks and Storage Technology


Beyond 2011, disks or disk arrays have exceeded 3 TB in capacity. The lower curve in Figure 1.10 shows the disk storage growth in 7 orders of magnitude in 33 years. The rapid growth of flash memory and solid-state drives (SSDs) also impacts the future of HPC and HTC systems. The mor-tality rate of SSD is not bad at all. A typical SSD can handle 300,000 to 1 million write cycles per

block. So the SSD can last for several years, even under conditions of heavy write usage. Flash and SSD will demonstrate impressive speedups in many applications.


Eventually, power consumption, cooling, and packaging will limit large system development. Power increases linearly with respect to clock frequency and quadratic ally with respect to voltage applied on chips. Clock rate cannot be increased indefinitely. Lowered voltage supplies are very much in demand. Jim Gray once said in an invited talk at the University of Southern California,


“Tape units are dead, disks are tape units, flashes are disks, and memory are caches now.This clearly paints the future for disk and storage technology. In 2011, the SSDs are still too expensive to replace stable disk arrays in the storage market.


3.3 System-Area Interconnects


The nodes in small clusters are mostly interconnected by an Ethernet switch or a local area network (LAN). As Figure 1.11 shows, a LAN typically is used to connect client hosts to big servers. A storage area network (SAN) connects servers to network storage such as disk arrays. Network attached storage (NAS) connects client hosts directly to the disk arrays. All three types of networks often appear in a large cluster built with commercial network components. If no large distributed storage is shared, a small cluster could be built with a multiport Gigabit Ethernet switch plus copper cables to link the end machines. All three types of networks are commercially available.


3.4 Wide-Area Networking


The lower curve in Figure 1.10 plots the rapid growth of Ethernet bandwidth from 10 Mbps in 1979 to 1 Gbps in 1999, and 40 ~ 100 GE in 2011. It has been speculated that 1 Tbps network links will become available by 2013. According to Berman, Fox, and Hey [6], network links with 1,000, 1,000, 100, 10, and 1 Gbps bandwidths were reported, respectively, for international, national, organization, optical desktop, and copper desktop connections in 2006.


An increase factor of two per year on network performance was reported, which is faster than Moores law on CPU speed doubling every 18 months. The implication is that more computers will be used concurrently in the future. High-bandwidth networking increases the capability of building massively distributed systems. The IDC 2010 report predicted that both InfiniBand and Ethernet will be the two major interconnect choices in the HPC arena. Most data centers are using Gigabit Ethernet as the interconnect in their server clusters.


4. Virtual Machines and Virtualization Middleware


A conventional computer has a single OS image. This offers a rigid architecture that tightly couples application software to a specific hardware platform. Some software running well on one machine may not be executable on another platform with a different instruction set under a fixed OS. Virtual machines (VMs) offer novel solutions to underutilized resources, application inflexibility, software manageability, and security concerns in existing physical machines.


Today, to build large clusters, grids, and clouds, we need to access large amounts of computing, storage, and networking resources in a virtualized manner. We need to aggregate those resources, and hopefully, offer a single system image. In particular, a cloud of provisioned resources must rely on virtualization of processors, memory, and I/O facilities dynamically. We will cover virtualization in Chapter 3. However, the basic concepts of virtualized resources, such as VMs, virtual storage, and virtual networking and their virtualization software or middleware, need to be introduced first. Figure 1.12 illustrates the architectures of three VM configurations.

4.1 Virtual Machines


In Figure 1.12, the host machine is equipped with the physical hardware, as shown at the bottom of the figure. An example is an x-86 architecture desktop running its installed Windows OS, as shown in part (a) of the figure. The VM can be provisioned for any hardware system. The VM is built with virtual resources managed by a guest OS to run a specific application. Between the VMs and the host platform, one needs to deploy a middleware layer called a virtual machine monitor (VMM). Figure 1.12(b) shows a native VM installed with the use of a VMM called a hypervisor in privi-leged mode. For example, the hardware has x-86 architecture running the Windows system.


The guest OS could be a Linux system and the hypervisor is the XEN system developed at Cambridge University. This hypervisor approach is also called bare-metal VM, because the hypervi-sor handles the bare hardware (CPU, memory, and I/O) directly. Another architecture is the host VM shown in Figure 1.12(c). Here the VMM runs in nonprivileged mode. The host OS need not be modi-fied. The VM can also be implemented with a dual mode, as shown in Figure 1.12(d). Part of the VMM runs at the user level and another part runs at the supervisor level. In this case, the host OS may have to be modified to some extent. Multiple VMs can be ported to a given hardware system to support the virtualization process. The VM approach offers hardware independence of the OS and applications. The user application running on its dedicated OS could be bundled together as a virtual appliance that can be ported to any hardware platform. The VM could run on an OS different from that of the host computer.


4.2 VM Primitive Operations


The VMM provides the VM abstraction to the guest OS. With full virtualization, the VMM exports a VM abstraction identical to the physical machine so that a standard OS such as Windows 2000 or Linux can run just as it would on the physical hardware. Low-level VMM operations are indicated by Mendel Rosenblum [41] and illustrated in Figure 1.13.


    First, the VMs can be multiplexed between hardware machines, as shown in Figure 1.13(a).


    Second, a VM can be suspended and stored in stable storage, as shown in Figure 1.13(b).


    Third, a suspended VM can be resumed or provisioned to a new hardware platform, as shown in Figure 1.13(c).


     Finally, a VM can be migrated from one hardware platform to another, as shown in Figure 1.13(d).


These VM operations enable a VM to be provisioned to any available hardware platform. They also enable flexibility in porting distributed application executions. Furthermore, the VM approach will significantly enhance the utilization of server resources. Multiple server functions can be consolidated on the same hardware platform to achieve higher system efficiency. This will eliminate server sprawl via deployment of systems as VMs, which move transparency to the shared hardware. With this approach, VMware claimed that server utilization could be increased from its current 515 percent to 6080 percent.


4.3 Virtual Infrastructures


Physical resources for compute, storage, and networking at the bottom of Figure 1.14 are mapped to the needy applications embedded in various VMs at the top. Hardware and software are then sepa-rated. Virtual infrastructure is what connects resources to distributed applications. It is a dynamic mapping of system resources to specific applications. The result is decreased costs and increased efficiency and responsiveness. Virtualization for server consolidation and containment is a good example of this. We will discuss VMs and virtualization support in Chapter 3. Virtualization support for clusters, clouds, and grids is covered in Chapters 3, 4, and 7, respectively.

5. Data Center Virtualization for Cloud Computing


In this section, we discuss basic architecture and design considerations of data centers. Cloud architecture is built with commodity hardware and network devices. Almost all cloud platforms choose the popular x86 processors. Low-cost terabyte disks and Gigabit Ethernet are used to build data centers. Data center design emphasizes the performance/price ratio over speed performance alone. In other words, storage and energy efficiency are more important than shear speed performance. Figure 1.13 shows the server growth and cost breakdown of data centers over the past 15 years. Worldwide, about 43 million servers are in use as of 2010. The cost of utilities exceeds the cost of hardware after three years.


5.1 Data Center Growth and Cost Breakdown


A large data center may be built with thousands of servers. Smaller data centers are typically built with hundreds of servers. The cost to build and maintain data center servers has increased over the years. According to a 2009 IDC report (see Figure 1.14), typically only 30 percent of data center costs goes toward purchasing IT equipment (such as servers and disks), 33 percent is attributed to the chiller, 18 percent to the uninterruptible power supply (UPS), 9 percent to computer room air conditioning (CRAC), and the remaining 7 percent to power distribution, lighting, and transformer costs. Thus, about 60 percent of the cost to run a data center is allocated to management and main-tenance. The server purchase cost did not increase much with time. The cost of electricity and cool-ing did increase from 5 percent to 14 percent in 15 years.


5.2 Low-Cost Design Philosophy

High-end switches or routers may be too cost-prohibitive for building data centers. Thus, using high-bandwidth networks may not fit the economics of cloud computing. Given a fixed budget, commodity switches and networks are more desirable in data centers. Similarly, using commodity x86 servers is more desired over expensive mainframes. The software layer handles network traffic balancing, fault tolerance, and expandability. Currently, nearly all cloud computing data centers use Ethernet as their fundamental network technology.


5.3 Convergence of Technologies


Essentially, cloud computing is enabled by the convergence of technologies in four areas: (1) hard-ware virtualization and multi-core chips, (2) utility and grid computing, (3) SOA, Web 2.0, and WS mashups, and (4) atonomic computing and data center automation. Hardware virtualization and mul-ticore chips enable the existence of dynamic configurations in the cloud. Utility and grid computing technologies lay the necessary foundation for computing clouds. Recent advances in SOA, Web 2.0, and mashups of platforms are pushing the cloud another step forward. Finally, achievements in autonomic computing and automated data center operations contribute to the rise of cloud computing.


Jim Gray once posted the following question: “Science faces a data deluge. How to manage and analyze information?” This implies that science and our society face the same challenge of data deluge. Data comes from sensors, lab experiments, simulations, individual archives, and the web in all scales and formats. Preservation, movement, and access of massive data sets require generic tools supporting high-performance, scalable file systems, databases, algorithms, workflows, and visualization. With science becoming data-centric, a new paradigm of scientific discovery is becom-ing based on data-intensive technologies.


On January 11, 2007, the Computer Science and Telecommunication Board (CSTB) recom-mended fostering tools for data capture, data creation, and data analysis. A cycle of interaction exists among four technical areas. First, cloud technology is driven by a surge of interest in data deluge. Also, cloud computing impacts e-science greatly, which explores multicore and parallel computing technologies. These two hot areas enable the buildup of data deluge. To support data-intensive computing, one needs to address workflows, databases, algorithms, and virtualization issues.


By linking computer science and technologies with scientists, a spectrum of e-science or e-research applications in biology, chemistry, physics, the social sciences, and the humanities has generated new insights from interdisciplinary activities. Cloud computing is a transformative approach as it promises much more than a data center model. It fundamentally changes how we interact with information. The cloud provides services on demand at the infrastructure, platform, or software level. At the platform level, MapReduce offers a new programming model that transpar-ently handles data parallelism with natural fault tolerance capability. We will discuss MapReduce in more detail in Chapter 6.


Iterative MapReduce extends MapReduce to support a broader range of data mining algorithms commonly used in scientific applications. The cloud runs on an extremely large cluster of commod-ity computers. Internal to each cluster node, multithreading is practiced with a large number of cores in many-core GPU clusters. Data-intensive science, cloud computing, and multicore comput-ing are converging and revolutionizing the next generation of computing in architectural design and programming challenges. They enable the pipeline: Data becomes information and knowledge, and in turn becomes machine wisdom as desired in SOA.

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