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Chapter: Software Testing : Levels of Testing

System test - The different types

When integration tests are completed, a software system has been assembled and its major subsystems have been tested. At this point the developers/ testers begin to test it as a whole.

System test - The different types

When integration tests are completed, a software system has been assembled and its major subsystems have been tested. At this point the developers/ testers begin to test it as a whole. System test planning should begin at the requirements phase with the development of a master test plan and requirements- based (black box) tests. System test planning is a complicated task. There ar e many components of the plan that need to be prepared such as test approaches, costs, schedules, test cases, and test procedures. All of these are examined and discussed in Chapter 7.


System testing itself requires a large amount of resources. The goal is to ensure that the system performs according to its requirements. System test evaluates both functional behavior and quality requirements such as reliability, usability, performance and security. This phase of testing is especially useful for detecting external hardware and software interface defects, for example, those causing race conditions, deadlocks, problems with interrupts and exception handling, and ineffective memory usage. After system test the software will be turned over to users for evaluation during acceptance test or alpha/beta test. The organization will want to be sure that the quality of the software has been measured and evaluated before users/clients are invited to use the system. In fact system test serves as a good rehearsal scenario for acceptance test.


Because system test often requires many resources, special laboratory equipment, and long test times, it is usually performed by a team of testers. The best scenario is for the team to be part of an independent testing group. The team must do their best to find any weak areas in the software; therefore, it is best that no developers are directly involved. There are several types of system tests as shown on Figure 6.10. The types are as follows:


Functional testing


Performance testing

Stress testing


Configuration testing


Security testing


Recovery testing



Functional Testing

System functional tests have a great deal of overlap with acceptance tests. Very often the same test sets can apply to both. Both are demonstrations of the system‘s functionality. Functional tests at the system level are used to ensure that the behavior of the system adheres to the requirements specification. All functional requirements for the system must be achievable by the system. For example, if a personal finance system is required to allow users to set up accounts, add, modify, and delete entries in the accounts, and print reports, the function-based system and acceptance tests must ensure that the system can perform these tasks. Clients and users will expect this at acceptance test time. Functional tests are black box in nature. The focus is on the inputs and proper outputs for each function. Improper and illegal inputs must also be handled by the system. System behavior under the latter circumstances tests must be observed. All functions must be tested. In fact, the tests should focus on the following goals.

All types or classes of legal inputs must be accepted by the software.

All classes of illegal inputs must be rejected (however, the system should remain available).

All possible classes of system output must exercised and examined.


All effective system states and state transitions must be exercised and examined.


All functions must be exercised.


Performance Testing


An examination of a requirements document shows that there are two major types of requirements:


1.  Functional requirements. Users describe what functions the software should perform. We test for compliance of these requirements at the system level with the functional-based system tests.


2.  Quality requirements. There are nonfunctional in nature but describe quality levels expected for the software. One example of a quality requirement is performance level. The users may have objectives for the software system in terms of memory use, response time, throughput, and delays. The goal of system performance tests is to see if the software meets the performance requirements. Testers also learn from performance test whether there are any hardware or software factors that impact on the system‘s performance. Performance testing allows testers to tune the system; that is, to optimize the allocation of system resources. For example, testers may find that they need to reallocate memory pools, or to modify the priority level of certain system operations. Testers may also be able to project the system‘s future performance levels. This is useful for planning subsequent releases.


Performance objectives must be articulated clearly by the users/clients in the requirements


documents, and be stated clearly in the system test plan. The objectives must be quantified. For example, a requirement that the system return a response to a query in ―a reasonable amount of time is not an acceptable requirement; the time requirement must be specified in quantitative way. Results of performance tests are quantifiable. At the end of the tests the tester will know, for example, the number of CPU cycles used, the actual response time in seconds (minutes, etc.), he actual number of transactions processed per time period. These can be evaluated with respect to requirements objectives.


Stress Testing

When a system is tested with a load that causes it to allocate its resources in maximum amounts, this is called stress testing. For example, if an operating system is required to handle 10 interrupts/second and the load causes 20 interrupts/second, the system is being stressed. The goal of stress test is to try to break the system; find the circumstances under which it will crash. This is sometimes called ―breaking the system. An everyday analogy can be found in the case where a suitcase being tested for strength and endurance is stomped on by a multiton elephant!


Stress testing is important because it can reveal defects in real-time and other types of systems, as well as weak areas where poor design could cause unavailability of service. For example, system prioritization orders may not be correct, transaction processing may be poorly designed and waste memory space, and timing sequences may not be appropriate for the required tasks. This is particularly important for real-time systems where unpredictable events may occur resulting in input loads that exceed those described in the requirements documents. Stress testing often uncovers race conditions, deadlocks, depletion of resources in unusual or unplanned patterns, and upsets in normal operation of the software system.


System limits and threshold values are exercised. Hardware and software interactions are stretched to the limit. All of these conditions are likely to reveal defects and design flaws which may not be revealed under normal testing conditions. Stress testing is supported by many of the resources used for performance test as shown in Figure 6.11. This includes the load generator. The testers set the load generator parameters so that load levels cause stress to the system. For example, in our example of a telecommunication system, the arrival rate of calls, the length of the calls, the number of misdials, as well as other system parameters should all be at stress levels. As in the case of performance test, special equipment and laboratory space may be needed for the stress tests. Examples are hardware or software probes and event loggers. The tests may need to run for several days. Planners must insure resources are available for the long time periods required. The reader should note that stress tests should also be conducted at the integration, and if applicable at the unit level, to detect stress-related defects as early as possible in the testing process. This is especially critical in cases where redesign is needed.


Stress testing is important from the user/client point of view. When system operate correctly under conditions of stress then clients have confidence that the software can perform as required. Beizer suggests that devices used for monitoring stress situations provide users/clients with visible and tangible evidence that the system is being stressed.


Configuration Testing

Typical software systems interact with hardware devices such as disc drives, tape drives, and printers. Many software systems also interact with multiple CPUs, some of which are redundant. Software that controls realtime processes, or embedded software also interfaces with devices, but these are very specialized hardware items such as missile launchers, and nuclear power device sensors. In many cases, users require that devices be interchangeable, removable, or reconfigurable. For example, a printer of type X should be substitutable for a printer of type Y, CPU A should be removable from a system composed of several other CPUs, sensor A should be replaceable with sensor B. Very often the software will have a set of commands, or menus, that allows users to make these configuration changes. Configuration testing allows developers/testers to evaluate system performance and availability when hardware exchanges and reconfigurations occur. Configuration testing also requires many resources including the multiple hardware devices used for the tests. If a system does not have specific requirements for device configuration changes then large-scale configuration testing is not essential.


According to Beizer configuration testing has the following objectives:

Show that all the configuration changing commands and menus work properly.


                     Show that all interchangeable devices are really interchangeable, and that they each enter the proper states for the specified conditions.


                     Show that the systems‘ performance level is maintained when devices are interchanged, or when they fail.


Several types of operations should be performed during configuration test. Some sample operations for testers are:


(i)  rotate and permutate the positions of devices to ensure physical/ logical device permutations work for each device (e.g., if there are two printers A and B, exchange their positions);

(ii)   induce malfunctions in each device, to see if the system properly handles the malfunction;

(iii) induce multiple device malfunctions to see how the system reacts. These operations will help to reveal problems (defects) relating to hardware/software interactions when hardware exchanges, and reconfigurations occur. Testers observe the consequences of these operations and determine whether the system can recover gracefully particularly in the case of a malfunction.


Security Testing

Designing and testing software systems to insure that they are safe and secure is a big issue facing software developers and test specialists. Recently, safety and security issues have taken on additional importance due to the proliferation of commercial applications for use on the Internet. If Internet users believe that their personal information is not secure and is available to those with intent to do harm, the future of e-commerce is in peril! Security testing evaluates system characteristics that relate to the availability, integrity, and confidentially of system data and services. Users/clients should be encouraged to make sure their security needs are clearly known at requirements time, so that security issues can be addressed by designers and testers. Computer software and data can be compromised by:


(i) criminals intent on doing damage, stealing data and information, causing denial of service, invading privacy;


(ii) errors on the part of honest developers/maintainers who modify, destroy, or compromise data because of misinformation, misunderstandings,and/or lack of knowledge.


Both criminal behavior and errors that do damage can be perpetuated by those inside and outside of an organization. Attacks can be random or systematic. Damage can be done through various means such as:


(i) viruses;


(ii)         trojan  horses;


(iii)           trap doors;


(iv)illicit channels.


The effects of security breaches could be extensive and can cause:


(i) loss of information;


(ii)    corruption of information;




(iv)privacy violations;

(v)             denial of service.


Physical, psychological, and economic harm to persons or property can result from security breaches. Developers try to ensure the security of their systems through use of protection mechanisms such as passwords, encryption, virus checkers, and the detection and elimination of trap doors. Developers should realize that protection from unwanted entry and other security-oriented matters must be addressed at design time. A simple case in point relates to the characteristics of a password. Designers need answers to the following: What is the minimum and maximum allowed length for the password? Can it be pure alphabetical or must it be a mixture of alphabetical and other characters? Can it be a dictionary word? Is the password permanent, or does it expire periodically? Users can specify their needs in this area in the requirements document. A password checker can enforce any rules the designers deem necessary to meet security



Password checking and examples of other areas to focus on during security testing are described below.


Password Checking— Test the password checker to insure that users will select a password that meets the conditions described in the password checker specification. Equivalence class partitioning and boundary value analysis based on the rules and conditions that specify a valid

password can be used to design the tests.

Legal and Illegal Entry with Passwords—Test for legal and illegal system/data access via legal and illegal passwords.


Password Expiration—If it is decided that passwords will expire after a certain time period, tests should be designed to insure the expiration period is properly supported and that users can enter a

new and appropriate password.


Encryption— Design test cases to evaluate the correctness of both encryption and decryption algorithms for systems where data/messages are encoded.


Browsing—Evaluate browsing privileges to insure that unauthorized browsing does not occur. Testers should attempt to browse illegally and observe system responses. They should determine what types of private information can be inferred by both legal and illegal browsing.


Trap Doors—Identify any unprotected entries into the system that may allow access through unexpected channels (trap doors). Design tests that attempt to gain illegal entry and observe results. Testers will need the support of designers and developers for this task. In many cases an external ―tiger team as described below is hired to attempt such a break into the system.


Viruses—Design tests to insure that system virus checkers prevent or curtail entry of viruses into the system. Testers may attempt to infect the system with various viruses and observe the system response. If a virus does penetrate the system, testers will want to determine what has been damaged and to what extent.


Even with the backing of the best intents of the designers, developers/ testers can never be sure that a software system is totally secure even after extensive security testing. If security is an especially important issue, as in the case of network software, then the best approach if resources permit, is to hire a so-called ―tiger team which is an outside group of penetration experts who attempt to breach the system security. Although a testing group in the organization can be involved in testing for security breaches, the tiger team can attack the problem from a different point of view. Before the tiger team starts its work the system should be thoroughly tested at all levels. The testing team should also try to identify any trap doors and other vulnerable points. Even with the use of a tiger team there is never any guarantee that the software is totally secure.


Recovery Testing


Recovery testing subjects a system to losses of resources in order to determine if it can recover properly from these losses. This type of testing is especially important for transaction systems, for example, on-line banking software. A test scenario might be to emulate loss of a device during a transaction. Tests would determine if the system could return to a wellknown state, and that no transactions have been compromised. Systems with automated recovery are designed for this purpose. They usually have multiple CPUs and/or multiple instances of devices, and mechanisms to detect the failure of a device. They also have a so-called ―checkpoint system that meticulously records transactions and system states periodically so that these are preserved in case of failure. This information allows the system to return to a known state after the failure. The recovery testers must ensure that the device monitoring system and the checkpoint software are working properly.


Beizer advises that testers focus on the following areas during recovery testing :


1. Restart. The current system state and transaction states are discarded.The most recent checkpoint record is retrieved and the system initialized to the states in the checkpoint record. Testers must insure that all transactions have been reconstructed correctly and that all devices are in the proper state. The system should then be able to begin to process new transactions.


2. Switchover. The ability of the system to switch to a new processor must be tested. Switchover is the result of a command or a detection of a faulty processor by a monitor. In each of these testing

situations all transactions and processes must be carefully examined to detect:


(i)loss of transactions;


(ii)    merging of transactions;

(iii)incorrect transactions;

(iv)an unnecessary duplication of a transaction.


A good way to expose such problems is to perform recovery testing under a stressful load. Transaction inaccuracies and system crashes are likely to occur with the result that defects and design flaws will be revealed.

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