Integration test planning
test must be planned. Planning can begin when high-level design is complete so
that the system architecture is defined. Other documents relevant to
integration test planning are the requirements document, the user manual, and
usage scenarios. These documents contain structure charts, state charts, data
dictionaries, cross-reference tables, module interface descriptions, data flow
descriptions, messages and event descriptions, all necessary to plan
integration tests. The strategy for integration should be defined. For
procedural-oriented system the order of integration of the units of the units
should be defined. This depends on the strategy selected. Consider the fact that
the testing objectives are to assemble components into subsystems and to
demonstrate that the subsystem functions properly with the integration test
cases. For object-oriented systems a working definition of a cluster or similar
construct must be described, and relevant test cases must be specified. In
addition, testing resources and schedules for integration should be included in
the test plan.The plan includes the following items:
(i) clusters
this cluster is dependent on;
(ii) a natural
language description of the functionality of the cluster to be tested;
(iii)list of
classes in the cluster;
(iv)a set of cluster test cases.
As stated
earlier in this section, one of the goals of integration test is to build
working subsystems, and then combine these into the system as a whole. When
planning for integration test the planner selects subsystems to build based
upon the requirements and user needs. Very often subsystems selected for
integration are prioritized. Those that represent key features, critical
features, and/or user-oriented functions may be given the highest priority.
Developers may want to show clients that certain key subsystems have been
assembled and are minimally functional.
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