The history of humans is intimately
linked with the history of the earth. The earth originated around 4.54 billion years
The ancestors of human called hominins
appeared about 5–7 million years ago.
Although people gave divine
explanations for the origin of humans, science believes in the theory of human evolution from the great apes.
Humans began to domesticate animals and
cultivate crops. The agricultural revolution led to many changes. Humans
lived in permanent houses, made pottery and with the surplus production, they
developed various crafts.
The earliest evidence of humans is
available in Tamil Nadu around 2 - 1.5 million years ago.
The Middle Palaeolithic Culture is
found in some parts of Tamil Nadu.
The Mesolithic people lived in all the
areas of Tamil Nadu.
Iron tools were used in agriculture.
The Iron Age saw further expansion of
people in various cultural zones. The foundation of subsequent Sangam Age was
laid during this age.
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