Activity 1
Activity 2
Heat a small piece of phosphorous and introduce it into the oxygen jar. Phosphorous burns with suffocating smell and gives phosphorous pentoxide (white fumes).
If oxygen has the capacity toburn itself, striking a match stick will be enough to burn allthe oxygen in our planet’s atmosphere.
Now-a-days nitrogen is used as a substitute for compressed air in tyres. Have you noticed it? Why do people prefer nitrogen instead of compressed air in tyres?
Answer: It is because nitrogen tyres hold pressure longer as compared to compressed air. Nitrogen gas in the tyre escapes more slowly than compressed air does.
The process of conversion of solid into vapour without reaching liquid state is called sublimation.
Venus’ atmosphere consists of roughly 96 -97% carbon dioxide. Because of theamount of carbon dioxide present, the surface of Venus continually retains heat and as such, the surface temperature of Venus is roughly 462°C, making it the hottest planet in our solar system.
Aerated water is nothing but carbon dioxide dissolved in water under pressure. This is also called ‘soda water’.
Acid rain has pH less than 5. 6 whereas pH of pure rain water is around 5. 6 due to dissolution of atmospheric CO2 in it.
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