Speed - Velocity
In sixth standard we already studied
about the speed in detail.
1 km/h = 5/18 m/s
How we got this ?
1 km = 1000 m
1 h = 3600 s
1 km / h = 1000 m / 3600 s = 5/ 18 m /s
Speed is the rate of change of
distance .
Speed = distance /time
Unit is metre/second (m/s)
We can classify speed into two
Uniform speed
If a body in motion covers equal
distances in equal intervals of time, then the body is said to be in uniform
Non- uniform speed
If a body covers unequal distances
in equal intervals of time, the body is said to be in non-uniform speed.
Average speed = total distance
travelled / time taken to travel the distance.
Velocity is the rate of change in displacement.
Velocity (v) = displacement / time
SI unit of velocity is meter /
second (m/s).
If an athlete in the diagram takes
25 s to complete a 200 m sprint event. Find her speed and velocity.
Speed = distance / time
=200 / 25
=8 m/s
velocity = displacement /time
=2 m/s
Uniform velocity
A body has uniform velocity, if it
covers equal displacement in the same direction in equal intervals of time. E.g.
light travels through vacuum.
Non uniform velocity
If either speed or direction
changes, the velocity is non uniform. E.g. a train starting and moving
out of the station.
Average velocity
Average velocity = total
displacement / total time taken
E.g. Figure shows a car that travels
5 km due east and makes a U – turn to travel another 7 km. If the time taken
for the whole journey is 0.2 h. Calculate the average velocity of the car.
Average velocity = total
displacement/time taken. (taking the direction due east of point O as positive)
= (5–7)/0.2
= –2 / 0.2
= –10 km/h (or) –10 × 5/18 =
= –0.28 m / s
The triangle method can help you to
recall the relationship between velocity (v), displacement (d), and time(t).
v = d / t , t = d / v, d = v × t
the following questions:
Calculate the velocity of a car travelling with a uniform velocity covering 100
m distance in 4 seconds.
Velocity = Sistance / time = 100/4 = 25 m/s
Usain Bolt covers 100 m distance in 9.58 seconds. Calculate his speed. Who will
be the winner if Usain Bolt comepetes with a Cheetah running at a speed of 30
Speed of Usain Bolt = 10.43 m/s
Speed of cheetah = 30 m/s
Cheetah will be the winner.
You are walking along east covering a distance of 4 m, then 2 m towards
south,then 4 m towards west and at last 2 m towards north. You cover the total
distancein 21 seconds, what is your average speed and average velocity?
Total distance covered = 12 m
Total time taken =21 seconds
Average speed = Total distance covered / total time = 12m / 21 =
0.571 m/s
Average velocity = 0 m/s
12m / 21 = 0.571 m/s
Average velocity = 0 m/s
Average velocity is zero because the starting point and the
finishing point is same
∴Displacement is zero so, average velocity is also
Average velocity = Total distance / time
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