H. Work in groups of four. Choose one of the situations
given below. Discuss how the story would have been different if,
i. Pongo
had pardoned the narrator after scolding him.
The narrator was not a thief. He was in the habit of stealing.
One day, there was a banana boat in the docks he picked up the bananas. But the
bananas were not his craze. He loved to eat oranges very much. When he came out
from the docks with the oranges hidden in his pockets. Pongo, the policeman
caught him. A lot of people were stealing from the docks. The narrator kept
quiet and was frightened. Pongo found him very innocent. He did not want any
action to be taken against him. He was a kind man. He advised the narrator very
politely. Pongo pardoned the narrator. The narrator thanked the policeman and
went home happily.
ii. Pongo
had arrived on the scene before the last orange was eaten.
The narrator was caught red handed when he came out from the
docks. There were seventeen oranges in his pockets. Pongo caught him for his
theft and locked him in a cabin. It forced him to eat the seeds and the peels.
The narrator had to eat them to destroy the evidence. He ate the oranges
quickly. But only one orange was left. At that time, the policemen had come
near the cabin. The narrator heard the sound of their arrival. They opened the
cabin and found only one orange left on the table. Both of them decided to
produce narrator before the court to get him punished, there by teaching a
lesson to others.
Pongo had forgotten to lock the door properly but the narrator only discovered
it just before Pongo returned.
The narrator was a lover of oranges. He liked to eat oranges one
after the other all day and everyday. He had put the oranges in his pockets and
came out. Pongo, the policeman noticed his bulging pockets as his apron string
was broken. The narrator was calm and he did not say anything. Pongo locked him
in a cabin. The narrator was in the cabin. He looked at the walls. He was
afraid that he would lose his job and be imprisoned. The policemen were
returning to the cabin. Before their arrival, the narrator was surprised to
notice the cabin unlocked. The narrator had enough chance to escape from the
cabin. But the narrator did not attempt to go out. He remained in the cabin,
till Pongo's arrival. They bowed before the narrator for his honesty and
discipline. They released him at once. The narrator thanked them heartily and
went back home peacefully.
Share your ideas with the rest of the class.
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