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Chapter: VLSI Design : Combinational and Sequential Circuit Design

Sequencing Static Circuits

1. Combinational logic: – output depends on current inputs 2. Sequential logic: – output depends on current and previous inputs



q  Combinational logic


–  output depends on current inputs


q  Sequential logic


–  output depends on current and previous inputs


–  Requires separating previous, current, future


–  Called state or tokens


–  Ex: FSM, pipeline



§   If tokens moved through pipeline at constant speed, no sequencing elements would be necessary


§   Ex: fiber-optic cable


§   Light pulses (tokens) are sent down cable


§   Next pulse sent before first reaches end of cable


§   No need for hardware to separate pulses


§   But dispersion sets min time between pulses


§   This is called wave pipelining in circuits


§   In most circuits, dispersion is high


§   Delay fast tokens so they don’t catch slow ones.


§   Use flip-flops to delay fast tokens so they move through exactly one stage each cycle.


§   Inevitably adds some delay to the slow tokens


§   Makes circuit slower than just the logic delay


§   Called sequencing overhead


§   Some people call this clocking overhead


§   But it applies to asynchronous circuits too


§   Inevitable side effect of maintaining sequence


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