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Chapter: VLSI Design : Combinational and Sequential Circuit Design

Low Power Logic Design

Is to reduce dynamic power and static power in a circuit



Is to reduce dynamic power and static power in a circuit


§   a:

§   C:


§   VDD:


§   f:


Reduce static power, Reduce dynamic power


§   a: clock gating, sleep mode

§   C: small transistors (esp. on clock), short wires


§   VDD:


§   f:


Reduce static power, Reduce dynamic power


§   a: clock gating, sleep mode

§   C: small transistors (esp. on clock), short wires


§   VDD: lowest suitable voltage


§   f: lowest suitable frequency


Reduce static power


§   Selectively use ratioed circuits


§   Selectively use low Vt devices


§   Leakage reduction: stacked devices, body bias, low temperature.


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