is administered by inhalation (see Preparations Available) to newborns with
hypoxic respiratory failure associated with pulmonary hypertension. The
current treatment for severely defective gas exchange in the newborn is with
extracorporeal membrane oxy-genation (ECMO), which does not directly affect
pulmonary vascular pressures. NO inhalation dilates pulmonary vessels,
resulting in decreased pulmonary vascular resistance and reduced pulmonary
artery pressure. Inhaled NO also improves oxygen-ation by reducing mismatch of
ventilation and perfusion in the lung. Inhalation of NO results in dilation of
pulmonary vessels in areas of the lung with better ventilation, thereby
redistributing pulmonary blood flow away from poorly ventilated areas.NO
inhalation does not typically exert pronounced effects on the sys-temic
circulation. Inhaled NO has also been shown to improve cardiopulmonary function
in adult patients with pulmonary artery hypertension.An additional approach for
treating pulmonary hypertension is to potentiate the actions of NO in pulmonary
vascular beds. Due to the enrichment of PDE-5 in pulmonary vascular beds, PDE-5
inhibitors such as sildenafil and tadalafil induce vasodilation and marked
reduc-tions in pulmonary hypertension.
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