Home | Procedure of Bed Bath

Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Class Nursing Health Care Hospital Hygiene Higher secondary school College Notes

Procedure of Bed Bath

Close the window or door and screen the bed to prevent draught and to avoid exposure.

General Instructions


            The temperature of the water should be 105o - 110oF (40o - 44oC)


            The water should be changed when it is cool or soapy.


            Be sure to remove all the soap as it is irritating to the skin


            Do not expose the patient unnecessarily


            Observe the patient's skin while bathing. Particularly if it is the first bath after admission. It offers an opportunity for the nurse to observe any rashes or pressure sores.




            Mackintosh (long) and two bed sheets


            Soap in a soap tray


            Two sponging pads


            Towel - one


            Linen to change (Gown)


            Two jugs containing hot and cold water








            Urinal and bed pan




                  Close the window or door and screen the bed to prevent draught and to avoid exposure.


                  To collect the equipment next to the patients bed.


And arrange the items conveniently at the bedside.

            Explain the procedure to the patient and get his cooperation


            Protect the bed with mackintosh and sheet


            Remove the patients linen and cover the patient


            Take water in the basin and feel with the back of your hand. The temperature should be comfortably hot.

            With wet sponge pad, moisten the patient' s face first.


            Apply soap. Carefully wash patient' s face, ears, and front of the neck. Dry with the towel.

            Wash the left hand first and the right hand. Support patient' s arm by holding the wrist. Wash well between fingers if desired. The patient may place hands in basin.

            Remove the sheet up to the waist, ask the patients to keep the arms above his head. It will be easy to clean the axillae in this position. Clean chest and abdomen.


            Change water and turn the patient to the side and sponge his back. Give long firm strokes from back of neck to the buttocks. Watch for any redness over the pressure areas.

            Do the left leg first and then the right. Have the patient' s knee flexed so to facilitate washing. Give the bedpan and ask the patient to clean the genitals. If the patient is unable to do help to do it for him. Patient should be given privacy during this.


            The back care is done by applying alcohol, massage back, use long firm strokes starting form back of the neck out over the shoulders and down to the buttocks. Use also rotatory motion to increase the blood circulation. Extra attention to be given to the pressure areas

            Apply powder if indicated. This depends upon the condition of the skin. If the skin is wrinkled the application of powder is not advisable.

                  If the patient is having dribbling of urine, zinc cream is applied.


                  Role up the mackintosh and sheet when the patient is on the side. Then remove it from the other side. Put the soiled linen in the receptacle.


                  Dress up the patient and remove the top sheet.


                  The bed is tidied.


                  The patient is given a warm drink


                  Remove the articles from the bedside.


                  Clean and replace in respective places.


                  Send soiled linen for wash

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11th 12th std standard Class Nursing Health Care Hospital Hygiene Higher secondary school College Notes : Procedure of Bed Bath |

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