i. Taxation: The tax will no doubt
raises the prices but the demand being in elastic, people must continue
to buy the same quantity o f the commodity. Thus the demand will not decrease.
ii. Monopoly prices: In the
same manner, the b usinessman, especially if he is a monopolist, will
have to consider the nature of demand while fixing his price. In case I is in
elastic, it will pay him to him to change a higher price and sell a smaller
quantity. If, on the other hand, the demand is elastic he will lower the
prices, stimulate demand and thus maximize his monopoly net revenue
iii. Joint products: In such
cases separate costs are not ascertainable the producers will be guided
mostly b y demand and its nature fixing his price. The transport authorities
fix their rates accordingtothisprinciplewhenwesaythatheychargewhatthe?trafficwilbear'
iv. Increasing returns: W hen an
industry is subject to increasing returns the manufacturer lowers the
price4 to develop the market so that he may be able to produce more and take
full advantage of the economies of large scale production.
v. Output: Elasticity o f demand affects
industrial output reduction in price will certainly increases the sale
in the market as a whole.
vi. Wages: Easticity
of demand also exerts its influence on wages. If demand for a particular type
of labour is relatively inelastic, it is easy to raise wages, but not
vii. Poverty
in plenty: The
concept of elasticity explains the paradox of poverty in the midst of
plenty. This is specially so if prod uce is perishable. A rich
harvest ma y actually fetch less money a poor one.
viii.Effect on
the economy: The working of the economy in general is affected
b y the nature of consumer demand. It affects the total volume of goods
and services prod uced in the country.
Italso affectsproducers'demandfordiffernt
factorsofproductiontheiralocationand remuneration.
Ix Economies policies: Modern
governments regulate output and prices. The government can create public
utilities where demand is inelastic and monopoly element is present.
x. Inte
rnational trade: The nature of d emand for the internationally
traded goods is helpful in determining the quantum of again of gain
accruing to the respective countries. Thus is how it determines the terms of
xi. Price
dete rminatio n: The concept of elasticity o f demand is used in
explaining the determination of price under various market conditions.
xii.Rate of
foreign exchange: With fixing the rate o f exchange, the government
has to consider the elasticity or otherwise of its imports and exports.
xiii.Relation between price elasticity average revenue and marginal revenue: This relationship enables us to understand and co mpare the conditions of equilibrium under different market conditions.
xiv. Price
determinatio n: Price determination is forced to be profitable if
elasticity o f demand in another. The monopolist can charge a higher
price in the market where elasticity o f demand is less and a lower price where
elasticity of demand is greater
xv. Measuring
degree of monopoly powe r: The less is the elasticity of demand higher
will be the price and wider the difference between the marginal cost and
greater the monopoly power, and vice versa.
xvi. Classification
of goods as substitutes and complements: Goods are classified as
substitutes on the basis of cross elasticity. Two commodities may be
considered as substitutes if cross elasticity is positive and complements when
elasticity is negative.
xvii. Boundary between industries: Cross elasticity of demand is also useful in indicating boundaries between industries. Goods with highcroselasticity's constitute one industry, where as goods with lower elasticity constitute different industries.
xviii. Market forms: The concept of cross elasticity help[s to understand different market forms infinite cross elastic ity indicates perfect market forms infinite cross elasticity indicates perfect competitions, where as zero or hear zero elasticity indicates pure monopoly and high elasticity indicates imperfect competition
xix. Incidence of taxes: The
concept of elasticity o f demand is used in explaining the incidence of
indirect taxes like sales tax and excise duty. less is the elasticity of demand
higher the incidence, and vice versa. In case of inelastic demand the consumer
have to buy the commodity and must bear the tax.
xx. Theory of
distribution: Elasticity of demand is useful in the
determination of relative shares of the various factors determination of
relative shares of the various factors of production is loss elastic, its share
in the national dividend is higher, and vice versa. If elasticity of
substitution is high the share will be low.
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