An optically
active substance is one that rotates the plane of polarized light. In other
words, when a polarized light, oscillating in a specific plane, is made to pass
through an optically active substance, it happens to emerge oscillating in an
altogether different plane.
In general, organic molecules having a central carbon
atom to which are attached four altogether different moieties, as C (WXYZ)
thereby rendering the molecule asymmetric, are all optically active. Such types
of molecules usually exist in two stereoisomeric forms as mirror images of each
other. For example :
In the above cited example [i (a)] the rotation of
the plane of polarization is to the right (clockwise), the lactic acid is
dextrorotatory (Latin : dexter =
right) designated by ‘d’ ; if the
rotation is to the left (counterclockwise), the lactic acid [i (b)]
is levorotatory (Latin : laevus =
left) designated by ‘1’. In the same
vein, the example [ii (b)] represents 1-2 methy1-1-butanol ; a
product derived from fusel oil.
Interestingly, in these two specific examples of lactic acid (d- ; and 1-isomers) and
2-methy-1-butanol (d- ; and 1-isomers) one criterion is common i.e., the two mirror images are not
superimposable. In other words, such compounds whose mirror images display
non-superimposability exhibit optical activity. Furthermore, in the particular
instance of C (WXYZ) it may be observed that the molecule whose mirror-image is
not just another identical molecule but gives rise to a molecule of an
altogether different isomeric compound. Thus, a pure sample of a single
enantiomer must fulfil the following three
important characteristic features, namely :
(a) No molecule
can serve as the mirror image of another molecule,
(b) Exact
cancelling out of rotations (of plane of polarized light) do not occur, and
(d) Net result
is offered in terms of the ‘optical
In a situation where molecules exist as C (W2XY), that is when two of the four groups
become identical, as may be observed in bromochloromethane and
isopropylchloride as shown below :
It may be observed clearly that the two mirror images are
superimposable and hence they do not exhibit any optical activity.
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