Pharmacokinetic Behavior of Recombinant FSH Isohormones
The pharmacokinetic behavior of follitropin b and its isohormones was investigated in Beagle dogs that were given an
intramuscular bolus injection of a number of FSH isohormone fractions, each
with a specific pI value. With a decrease in pI value from 5.49 (basic) to 4.27
(acidic), the AUC increased and the clearance decreased, each more than 10-fold
(Fig. 3). A more than twofold difference in elimination half-life between the
most acidic and the most basic FSH isohormone fraction was calculated. The
absorption rate of the two most acidic isoforms was higher than the absorption
rates of all other isoforms. The AUC and the clearance for the follitropin b preparation, being a mixture of all isohormone fractions, corre-sponded
with the centre of the isohormone profile (Fig. 3). In contrast, the
elimination of the follitropin b preparation occurred at a rate
similar to that of the most acidic fractions, indicating that the elimination
rate is largely determined by the removal of the most acidic isoforms from the
Thus, for follitropin b isohormone fractions, a clear
correlation exists between pI value and pharma-cokinetic behavior. Increasing
acidity leads to an increase in the extent of absorption and elimination
half-life and to a decrease in clearance.
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