Genetic disorders with dermatological features
Sometimes it is the cutaneous
features that are the key to diagnosis of a genetic disorder.
71/5000 births.
are numerous types of EDS. Classical EDS is autosomal dominant and caused by
mutation in the COL5A1 and COL5A2 genes.
forms of EDS are characterized by skin fragility, unsightly bruising and
scarring, musculoskeletal discomfort, and susceptibility to osteoarthritis. The
skin is soft and hyperextensible with easy bruising and thin, atrophic
‘cigarette paper’ scars, joint hypermobility, varicose veins, and a risk of
premature delivery in affected fetuses.
EDS is a common and usually mild autosomal dominant disorder characterized by
soft skin with hypermobility of large and small joints.
has a prevalence of 71/4000.
condition caused by mutation in the NF1
gene on 17q11.2.
For a
clinical diagnosis of NF1, the patient should have two or more of the following
6 or
more café-au-lait spots ( 0.5cm in children);
2 or
more neurofibromata of any type (dermal neurofibromata are small lumps in the
skin that appear in adolescence) or 1 or more plexiform neurofibromata;
in the axilla, neck, or groin;
glioma (tumour in the optic pathway);
2 or
more Lisch nodules (benign iris hamartomas);
distinctive bony lesion, e.g. sphenoid wing dysplasia, or dysplasia or thinning
of the long bone cortex, e.g. pseudoarthrosis;
first-degree relative with NF1.
NF1 is
a highly variable disorder with a small risk of serious complications, e.g.
scoliosis, pressure effects of tumours or malignant change, (e.g. neural crest
tumours), hypertension. Regular surveillance, e.g. annual review, is
recommended to try and detect these early.
condition follows X-linked recessive inheritance and is caused by mutation in
the EDA-1 gene.
have reduced/absent sweating that may cause dangerous hyperpyrexia in infancy.
Carrier females may be mildly
71/10 000 individuals.
highly variable autosomal dominant multisystem disorder caused by mutation in
the TSC1 gene on 9q or the TSC2 gene on 16p.
by hamartomas in the brain, skin, and other organs.
presents with infantile spasms. Seizures and mental retardation are often
macules (‘ash-leaf’ spots) occur in 795% of affected individuals by the age of
5yrs. A Wood’s light (UV) may be needed to visualize these. Angiofibromata
occur in later childhood in a butterfly distribution over the nose and cheeks.
Other cutaneous features include forehead fibrous plaque, shagreen patches,
ungual fibromata, and dental pits.
50% of
individuals with TSC have normal intelligence, but children who develop
infantile spasms and severe epilepsy in the first year of life often have
learning disability.
clinical evaluation, e.g. cranial MRI, eye exam, renal US, is indicated to make
the diagnosis prior to genetic testing.
genetic advice, with careful evaluation of the parents, is important. 760% of
cases arise as a result of new mutations.
testing is possible by mutation analysis of TSC1
and TSC2, but it is helpful to
establish a clear clinical diagnosis before embarking on genetic testing.
X-linked dominant disorder caused by mutation in the NEMO gene on Xq28 (780% carry a common deletion).
male pregnancies almost invariably miscarry. Girls present in the neonatal
period with blistering lesions, cropping circumferentially on the trunk and in
a linear distribution on the limbs. Ultimately, lesions regress by late
childhood/adult life to leave atrophic streaky areas of pigmentation or
hypopigmentation (often most noticeable on the back of the calves). The child
remains well and continues to feed. There is often a marked eosinophilia in the
have associated abnormalities of dentition, eye (cataracts), or CNS (seizures,
testing is possible; 780% of affected individuals carry a large deletion in the
NEMO gene.
No specific treatment available.
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