Loss of articular cartilage in
a synovial joint, and associated changes in underlying bone and other joint
Is degenerative not inflammatory
Very common, although prevalence
unknown due to variations in diagnosis
Risk facts:
o Age: 75% of over 70 year olds and 90% of 80 year olds
o Previous injury
o Female and obesity (especially hip and knee) are debated
· Non-specific symptoms:
o Pain: initially with/after exercise or at the end of the day, later also at
rest and related to other factors.
Pain with sleeping on hip at night
o Stiffness: not as prominent as in inflammatory arthritis
o Swelling: due to Âsynovial fluid (may contain a few mononucleocytes) and bony thickening
o Loss of function (common to all arthritis)
o Signs: joint instability, crepitus, joint tenderness, derangement, ¯ range of movement, effusion, fixed deformity
o Primary osteoarthritis:
§ Often – but not always - symmetrical
§ Fingers: DIP and PIP, MCP joint of thumb but not of fingers. Can lead to Heberden‟s Nodes: marginal osteophytes at the base of the distal phalanx. Bouchard‟s Nodes on proximal IP joints
§ Weight bearing joints: Hips, knees
§ Less Common:
Acromioclavicular joints
Lower cervical and lumbar spine
· MTP joints of big toes
o Secondary Osteoarthritis (secondary to joint disease or injury –
consider especially if it doesn‟t fit the joint distribution of primary):
§ Asymmetrical
§ Trauma (eg intra-articular fracture, dislocation, etc)
§ Infection
§ Metabolic: haemophilia, gout (or pseudogout if bigger joints),
§ Avascular necrosis
§ Congenital (eg DDH)
§ Inflammatory (reactive or primary)
§ Neoplasia (eg prostate ® femoral head)
o Cartilage = collagen proteoglycans + water (70%). Made by chrondrocytes
o ¯Elasticity of cartilage ® mechanical stress causes deformation and stress on underlying bone. Fissuring and flaking of cartilage. Roughened cartilage surface. Blood vessels invade cartilage. ?Inflammatory cytokines mediate cartilage destruction
o Micro: villus fronds in cartilage
o Gross: Shiny, subchondral bone (eburnisation), subchondral cysts,
osteophytes (extra-articular overgrowth of bone ® attempt
to  weight bearing area)
o X-ray
o Lab tests usually normal (check for normal ESR, CRP, RF, ANAs, joint
o Conservative:
§ Inform, education
§ Do nothing, or
§ Pharmacology (analgesics, NSAIDs): Paracetamol. NSAIDs have little evidence of further improvement, and cause renal impairment and GI bleeds. Potential for COX-2 inhibitors. Also glucosamine (from health food shop, 1500 mg/day)
§ Steroid injection if secondary inflammatory component
§ Physiotherapy:
· Obtain and maintain full range of motion (¯range of motion ® Âloading on a smaller area of cartilage ® wears out faster)
Exercise: eg quad exercises for
osteoarthritis of the knee
§ Orthotics and other devices:
Weight loss and devices to reduce
weight bearing across affected joints
Raising bed and chairs to reduce
strain, walking sticks, handrails, etc
§ Aspiration of joint fluid
o Surgery, especially for knee and hip (determined on functional/pain
§ Arthroscopic debridement (buys time)
§ Osteotomy: take out a wedge of bone above or below the joint – realigns stress through the joint ® more even wear
§ Arthroplasty: a prosthesis (considerable variety). Main indication is
pain. Surgery to correct fixed flexion deformity is less successful. NB don‟t
forget DVT prophylaxis
§ Arthrodesis: joint fusion
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