Nutrient flow in Eco-system
Nutrient flow in Eco-system: It is
observed that plants accept inorganic substances and manufactures food by
respiration the process of photosynthesis. A small portion of the food produced
by the plants is used by them and the rest is reserved in the body. The
herbivorous animals eat this and gradually herbivores are eaten by the
carnivorous animals. The decomposers transform the plants, herbivorous and
carnivorous animals into inorganic substances. Using the inorganic, substance
the green plants can again manufacture food with the help of solar energy.
In an eco-system the transfer or flow of energy and nutrient from one
trophic level to other is in succession. In each trophic level of food chain
energy available decreases step by step, decomposers rot the dead body of the
organisms and inorganic nutrients are stored in nutrient storage of
environment. The green plants again find inorganic nutrients from the storage
environment. The cyclic flow of nutrients is known as nutrient flow. Food chain
and nutrient flow are the important characters of ecosystem.
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