parkinsonism (NIP) is defined as parkinso-nian signs or symptoms (tremor,
muscle rigidity, or akinesia) that develop in association with the use of an
antipsychotic medica-tion. NIP is presumed to result from blockade of
postsynaptic dopamine (D2) receptors in the corpus striatum causing
a patho-logical state functionally resembling the loss of dopaminergic cells in
the striatum in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, it is not clear
whether nigrostriatal dopamine loss is adequate to explain the clinical
symptoms seen in NIP or PD. It is possible that other neurochemical
abnormalities may coexist with dopaminergic depletion to produce the syndrome.
Abnor-malities in norepinephrine and serotonin have also been reported to be
involved in the mechanism.
Positron emission tomography (PET) and other technolo-gies have been utilized to examine the relationship between D2 receptor blockade in the basal ganglia with antipsychotic efficacy and NIP. Clinically effective doses of conventional antipsychot-ics have been shown to block 70 to 90% of D2 receptors in the basal ganglia. Of note are findings that with conventional agents at least 60% occupancy is needed for satisfactory antipsychotic response but that NIP tends to occur with 80% or greater oc-cupancy of the D2 receptors. With regard to atypical agents, the lower D2 receptor blockade at recommended dosages with some agents and the serotonergic blockade seen with these medications are believed to lead to the reduced risk of NIP. Similar to conven-tional antipsychotics, higher doses of some atypical agents also appear to be related to an increase in NIP, as greater D2 receptor blockade has been reported.
reported frequency of NIP varies from 5 to 90%, depend-ing on the study
reviewed. This wide variation is due to differ-ent definitions of parkinsonism
in different studies as well as the inclusion of mild bradykinesia as a sign of
NIP in some in-vestigations. The usual incidence of “clinically significant”
NIP with conventional antipsychotics is 10 to 15. When, however, high-potency
conventional agents are used without anticholin-ergic drugs and signs of
rigidity are carefully assessed, one is likely to find that the majority of
patients have some NIP. Rates of parkinsonism induced by atypical
antipsychotics are con-siderably lower (American Psychiatric Association,
2000). The incidence of NIP in older psychiatric patients is considerably
greater. A study of newly medicated older patients on low doses of conventional
antipsychotics found 32% of patients met criteria for NIP (Caligiuri et al., 1999). In an investigation of
extrapy-ramidal side effects in patients with Alzheimer disease treated with
very low dose conventional antipsychotics, 67% of patients met criteria for NIP
at some time during the 9-month follow-up period (Caligiuri et al., 1998).
A number
of patient-related and medication-related risk factors have been proposed. A
history of prior episodes of NIP, older age, and concomitant dementia or
delirium are thought to predispose to NIP (American Psychiatric Association,
2000). Neuroleptic potency and preexisting extrapyramidal symptoms may also
increase the risk of NIP.
increases in antipsychotic dosage, administration of higher absolute doses of
antipsychotics and absence of con-current anticholinergic medication represent
other risk factors for NIP initiation (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).
Highly anticholinergic antipsychotics (i.e., chlorpromazine and thioridazine)
are less likely to cause NIP than less anticholinergic agents (i.e.,
haloperidol and fluphenazine).
symptoms may develop quickly after the initiation of an antipsychotic or
insidiously during the course of treatment. It most typically develops 2 to 4
weeks after antipsychotic initia-tion. The three cardinal symptoms of NIP are
tremor, muscle ri-gidity and akinesia.
tremor is a steady, rhythmical, oscillatory motion generally at an alternating
rhythm of 3 to 6 Hz. The most affected body area tends to be the upper
extremities, but the tremor may spread to the head, neck, jaw, face, tongue,
legs and trunk. The tremor is typically suppressed during action and increases
during times of anxiety, stress, or fatigue (American Psychiatric Association,
muscle rigidity appears clinically as a firm-ness and spasm of muscles at rest
that may affect all skeletal mus-cles or be confined to just a few specific
muscle groups. It can ap-pear as a continuous lead pipe-type rigidity that
resists movement or a cogwheel-type rigidity that presents a “ratchet-like”
resist-ance when a muscle is moved around a joint. Cogwheeling may represent an
extremely high frequency (8–12 Hz) “action” tremor that is physiologically
imposed on the rigidity. The psychiatrist may diagnose cogwheel rigidity by
placing his or her hand over the joint that is being passively moved.
Generalized muscle pain, body aches and discoordination are features associated
with NIP rigidity (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).
akinesia is seen clinically as decreased spon-taneous motor activity and a
global slowness in the initiation and execution of movements. It can be
associated with drooling, bent over neck, stooped shoulders and masked facial
expression (the so-called masked facies) (American Psychiatric Association,
2000). Parkinsonism occurs in numerous medical and neurologi-cal conditions and
can be caused by many medications or sub-stances. Idiopathic PD can be
difficult to distinguish from NIP.
tremor of NIP must be distinguished from tremor caused by other conditions. In
general, nonparkinsonian trem-ors are finer, faster and worse on intention.
Tremor associated with substance withdrawal typically presents with associated
hyperreflexia and increased autonomic signs. Cerebellar disease-induced tremor
may present with associated nystagmus, ataxia, or scanning speech. Strokes and
other central nervous system le-sions usually have associated focal
neurological symptoms. NMS can often present with akinesia and lead pipe-type
rigidity butalso has other associated findings, such as fever, elevated
creat-ine kinase and fluctuating consciousness (American Psychiatric Association,
2000). It appears that TD and NIP frequently coex-ist in the same patient.
A number
of primary psychiatric illnesses may mimic symptoms of NIP and may be difficult
to separate. These include major depressive disorder, catatonic-type
schizophrenia, mood disorder with catatonic features, schizophrenia with a
predomi-nance of negative features, delirium, dementia, anxiety disorders and
certain conversion disorders (American Psychiatric Asso-ciation, 2000). It may
be particularly easy to confuse negative symptoms of schizophrenia and
depression with the akinesia and rigidity of NIP. Catatonia and NIP may also be
difficult to differentiate, and there is evidence that the two conditions are
related to each other. Often, the diagnosis of NIP should be made provisionally
and clarified by a dosage reduction of antipsychotic or trial of
anticholinergic medication (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).
symptoms usually continue unchanged or diminish slowly in 2 to 3 months after
onset. The signs and symptoms typically improve with a dose reduction,
discontinuation of antipsychotic medication, or switch to an atypical
antipsychotic in patients pre-viously receiving a conventional antipsychotic.
Improvement is also seen with the addition of antiparkinsonian agents.
milder cases of NIP do not require treatment because they are not bothersome to
the patient. A switch to an atypical agent should be strongly considered if
troublesome NIP develops while on a conventional antipsychotic. Large
randomized controlled tri-als have demonstrated reductions in parkinsonian
symptoms in patients treated with atypical antipsychotics. If symptoms become
troublesome, the initial step should be to decrease the dose of antip-sychotic
to the lowest effective dose for the patient. The next step is to add a low
dosage of an anticholinergic medication. The equiva-lent of 2 mg/day of
benztropine generally represents a reasonable starting point. Periodic attempts
should be made to wean the pa-tient from the anticholinergic agent. As many as
90% of patients do not require anticholinergic medication at the end of 3
months. An-ticholinergic medication should always be tapered slowly to avoid
the rapid redevelopment of parkinsonian symptoms as well as the possibility of
uncomfortable cholinergic rebound symptoms.
cases of NIP do occur and may require more aggressive management. Increasing
the dose of the anticholin-ergic medication is a good starting point because
some patients may require up to the equivalent of 20 mg/day of benztropine to
achieve relief from NIP. If such high doses are to be employed, they should be
used for the shortest possible time, and rigorous attention should be paid to
the possibility of untoward anticholin-ergic effects (i.e., delirium, urinary
retention, fecal impaction). Consideration may be given to starting a
dopamine-releasing agent, such as amantadine or perhaps even levodopa. A major
concern with this treatment approach is the possibility of exacer-bating the
psychosis for which the antipsychotic medication was prescribed in the first
place. Trials of dopaminergic agents are therefore best attempted in an
inpatient setting or with careful outpatient observation and assessment. A
number of experimen-tal treatment strategies have been proposed for the treatment
of the refractory cases including vitamin E, calcium supplementa-tion,
electroconvulsive therapy and L-deprenyl.
treatment approach for the refractory case is to lower the dose of the
antipsychotic medication or even discon-tinue it until the NIP resolves, then
resume the antipsychotic (preferably a different one) at a lower dose. This
treatment strat-egy may also need to be carried out in an inpatient setting to
monitor early emergence of psychotic symptoms.
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