Natural Sources of fresh water
Three types of natural sources of fresh water
are available on the earth.
Surface water
Water present on the surface of the earth such
as river,lake,ponds, streams or fresh water wetland is called surface water.
Frozen water
Water that is present in the frozen form as
polar ice-caps and glaciers are called frozen water. A larger portion of water
is 68.7% of the total available fresh water is in frozen state.
Ground water
Ground water is the water present beneath
Earth's surface in soil. This water is obtained through springs, open wells,
tube wells, or hand pumps etc.,
The Himalayas
The Himalayas, contain ice caps, ice
bergs and glaciers. Ten of Asia’s largest rivers flow from the
Himalayas and more than a billion people’s livelihoods depend on those rivers.
More to know: Water, is measured in
litre and millilitre. Gallon is also a measure of volume of liquids.
1 Gallon = 3.785 litre
Water level in the reserviors is
measured in TMC/feet. Water released from dams is measured in cusec (cubic
During winter, water in lakes and
ponds in the cold countries will be frozen and a solid layer of ice is formed on
the surface of water. Still aquatic animals living under the ice do not die.
This is because the floating layer of ice acts as a protective coat, and
doesn’t permit heat to escape from water. So as the water at the surface alone
turns to ice, it the existence of aquatic animals.
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