Tap root: A primary root that grows
vertically downward and gives off small lateral roots.
Fibrous root: Cluster of roots.
Habitat – The area where a particular
organism actually lives.
Aquatic – Plants whose natural mhabitat
is water.
Terrestrial – Plants whose natural
habitat is land.
Adaptation – Changes in the structure
or behaviour of an organism that helps the plants to survive in a particular habitat.
Modification – a change in organism caused
by environmental factors.
Tendril climber: A slender organ of
a modification of stem
Twiner: Plants which climb up trees
and other objects.
Thorn: A sharp and stiff part of a
modification of stem
Points to Remember
* The plant body of flowering plant
consists of two main parts. They are
1. Root system
2. Shoot system
* Root fix the plants to the soil.
Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil
* Stem is the ascending part of the
plant axis. It has nodes and internodes.
* Leaves perform three major functions
such as
1. Photosynthesis.
2. Respiration.
3. Transpiration
* The surroundings where plant live is
called their habitat
* The two major habitats.
1. Aquatic habitat
2. Terrestrial habitat
* Adaptations are special features in
plants which help them to survive in their habitat.
* Tendril is a climbing organ of some
weak stemmed plants
* Twiner have weak stem and they can’t stand straight on their own
cycle of plants
Lets learn parts of the flower.
* To learn more about the parts of the flower type science kids in the google / browser and select games. Then select life cycle of plants in the screen a flower with its part appear drag one of the flower’s stamen into labelled box. Now drag the part of the flower and place it in the labelled box. It’s a trial
* Instructions
will appear on the screen. When click ok next step will appear. Then we
have to drag each and every part of the flower into the relevant box.
* When
we click the magnifying glass symbol, uses of the floral parts will appear.
Then click ok button. Next an image of flower with its parts appears.
It’s an evolutionary exercise.
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